View Full Version : If I every find this Murphy guy

Wed, July 1st, 2009, 02:19 AM
I am kicking him down.

Well I get a phone call while on my way home that my ploder had caught fire. It was at my friend Daves house cause we was going to be doing some stuff to it when I got back from SLC. Good thing the FD got there when they did and it wasn't big enough to get to his house. I would say there is probably around 3000-3500 in damage so they may total it since its a 98. I think the CC switch caused it. http://www.safetyforum.com/fordcruisecontrol/
Good thing is I had full coverage with rental car reimbursement.

Wed, July 1st, 2009, 03:34 AM
Murphy is this guy that comes along when your down and out and gives you another kick in the kiester.

I am glad your ok and that didn't happen in your new house's garage.

Think positive.


BTW Murphy isn't a good guy to be around. Been there done that a time or two myself.

Wed, July 1st, 2009, 08:43 AM
Glad nobody got hurt and that it didn't hit your friends house. That darn Murphy guy, keeps showing up at all the wrong times.... kinda like pesky inlaws.:cursin: Definitely check into the cruise possibility, we were changing dozens of them a day.