View Full Version : Adrenaline HPOP
Mon, July 20th, 2009, 11:39 PM
Is anybody else running the Adrenaline? My idle is a bit more shaky at idle, and I have pulled my ICP sensor a few times already in attempt to bleed the air. Ideas?
Tue, July 28th, 2009, 11:50 PM
Sorry cant help ya but I also have just recently installed the Adrenaline hpop and I have notice the exact thing. The warm idle just seem slighty rougher than stock not much but slightly. I noticed it the cab most, my side mirrors vibrate more. I called dieselsite and they recommended bleeding air from ICP which i did but it did not change any. I now have approx 1,000mi on hpop. Doesnt bother me that much but just wondered why. I might call them back to get some ideas. I had also installed a garret 38r bb turbo at the same time so its hard to say what difference it has made but I am happy with the performance of the the truck so far. Now just ordered an FU Flex chip. Cant wait to get that.
Power Hungry
Wed, July 29th, 2009, 01:44 AM
Being that you're in NC, would you be interested in making a trip down here for a little test & tune? We would certainly happy to build some new files at no further cost to you. Besides, it would give us a chance to do some further datalogging. If you're interested, let me know.
For the most part the Adrenaline has be extremely well mannered, especially on modified injector trucks. I'm wondering though if a stock injector truck is just a little more sensitive to the increased volume.
Take care.
Wed, July 29th, 2009, 10:59 AM
I've got an Adrenaline in my 99.5 7.3 and have noticed the same thing. My injectors & turbo are stock and have 160,000 miles on them, so that very well could be part of the issue. I replaced my ICP sensor and that improved the situation, but didn't eliminate it. Injectors & turbo upgrades would be nice, but need to wait a little while yet.
Wed, July 29th, 2009, 09:23 PM
Being that you're in NC, would you be interested in making a trip down here for a little test & tune? We would certainly happy to build some new files at no further cost to you. Besides, it would give us a chance to do some further datalogging. If you're interested, let me know.
For the most part the Adrenaline has be extremely well mannered, especially on modified injector trucks. I'm wondering though if a stock injector truck is just a little more sensitive to the increased volume.
Take care.
AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to!!!
Thu, July 30th, 2009, 01:34 AM
For the most part the Adrenaline has be extremely well mannered, especially on modified injector trucks. I'm wondering though if a stock injector truck is just a little more sensitive to the increased volume.
Take care.
This could very well be it.. I have stock injectors with only 75,000mi on them.
Did you notice any different sound while driving with the adrenaline? Hard for me to tell since I also did gp38r at the same time. I am hearing turbo whine but also what sound to me like the pump as well but not sure. Just curious...
Thu, July 30th, 2009, 09:32 AM
This could very well be it.. I have stock injectors with only 75,000mi on them.
Did you notice any different sound while driving with the adrenaline? Hard for me to tell since I also did gp38r at the same time. I am hearing turbo whine but also what sound to me like the pump as well but not sure. Just curious...
I will check once I get her up and running again. Turbo pedestal blew on me!! I think I have heard pump whine as well. The truck runs like a champ but the first stop light I come to,8 miles away, starts the rough idle. Just an obnoxious shake.
Sun, August 2nd, 2009, 01:38 PM
Another question: for those of you have have the rough idle situation, are any of you running a regulated return? More to follow!!
Power Hungry
Sun, August 2nd, 2009, 03:22 PM
I'm definitely thinking that some low-speed adjustments are in order here.
Sun, August 2nd, 2009, 04:06 PM
I'm definitely thinking that some low-speed adjustments are in order here.
Your the boss!!!
Mon, August 3rd, 2009, 03:52 AM
No regulated return.
Just out of curiosity what type of oil r you using currently.
Mon, August 3rd, 2009, 01:39 PM
No regulated return.
Just out of curiosity what type of oil r you using currently.
I use the Valvoline Premium Blue 15-40. The one with the Cummins symbol on it.
Tue, August 4th, 2009, 03:26 AM
Well it was worth a shot. Im runnin Rotella 5-40 Syn. Thought maybe that might have somethin to do with it but maybe not.
Wed, February 24th, 2010, 03:26 PM
I'd like to bring this back up to see if anyone ever resolved this warm rough idle with the Adrenaline. I have had this same issue since installing the Adrenaline and have taken many steps in replacing parts to try to fix it all to no avail. I have had some improvement with recent tuning adjustments to my chip(non-PHP), but it is still present though minimized.
Anyone figured this out?:shrug:
Wed, February 24th, 2010, 05:12 PM
I had the same problem after installing an Adrenaline a couple months ago - more "lope" at idle, mirrors shaking, could even feel it in the seat. Bob Riley recommended I talk to Bill at PHP and that discussion resulted in a 6 position Phoenix replacing my Banks chip. Now, at idle on the stock setting the engine is smooth as anything, and it only gets a little bit rougher (injector clatter) due to higher ICP on the non-stock settings but still not as bad as it was before the PHP.
Wed, February 24th, 2010, 05:35 PM
Would you guys still recommend going with the adrenaline?
I am putting together a wish list for the missus...If I ask her for things for my B-day...and she doesn't get them, I get in less trouble when I go out and buy them for myself...
Wed, February 24th, 2010, 09:49 PM
The Adrenaline is a great pump, IF you NEED a pump. I would not just go out and spend the money on it just to have it though, if my pump were good. My pump went out and the Adrenaline was not much more than a rebuilt factory one. It is a great upgrade when you need it.