View Full Version : Another brake controller question
Thu, August 6th, 2009, 07:50 PM
Firstly, to diesel rookie: I use the Podigy P3, a little spendy but I love it. It really needs to be at or close to eye level to see the display clearly leading to my question: can I mount this controller on top of my gryphon? Anyone know if this would cause any interference with either devices? The P3 says not to use cell phones or two way radios within 12" of it, but no mention of a tuner, car stereo or other electronics. Any other mounting area suggestions would be appreciated also.
Thu, August 6th, 2009, 08:04 PM
Firstly, to diesel rookie: I use the Podigy P3, a little spendy but I love it. It really needs to be at or close to eye level to see the display clearly leading to my question: can I mount this controller on top of my gryphon? Anyone know if this would cause any interference with either devices? The P3 says not to use cell phones or two way radios within 12" of it, but no mention of a tuner, car stereo or other electronics. Any other mounting area suggestions would be appreciated also.
I'm only guessing, but I'd advise against it. Do you really need to watch the display that much? I had to see mine, of course when I was adjusting it, and I glance at it now and then to confirm it's working, but mostly I just ignore it.
I have to move a bit to see it when driving - the display is hidden right behind the steering wheel down low on the right side of the steering column. But, I can tilt the wheel down for adjusting and otherwise just glance around it.
See the comment in the other thread about not running the wiring to the controller parallel to the OBDII cable from the Gryphon due to interference problems too.
Fri, August 7th, 2009, 01:55 AM
Putting the displays near each other should be an issue, you just have to make sure you're not running the 2 sets of cables parallel to each other. The interference primarily comes from the 12V power in the break controller bleeding into the the signal cables for the Gryphon. LCD displays themselves are immune to EFI, it's only their cables that are sensitive so as long as you run the cables in 2 different paths you should be okay.
Fri, August 7th, 2009, 10:47 AM
Trouble is, both cables plug into the backs of their units (I'm assuming the cable to the brake controller does too), and that means they're going to be "close" for at least a little bit.
- Jack
Sat, September 12th, 2009, 12:16 PM
Well I thought I'd try it (mounting brake controller on top of Griyphon pod) to see if there were any ill effects. Towed the toyhauler (with my Transalp inside) about 200 miles or so and all seemed ok. I just tried to keep the wiring seperated as much as possible. Just an FYI. Mark
Sat, September 12th, 2009, 02:58 PM
Good to know. Thanks for the followup!
- Jack