View Full Version : Slightly off topic (Onan Quesiton)

Mon, September 7th, 2009, 10:29 PM
My question has to do with an Onan generator (MicroQuiet 4000) that has been giving me trouble. Like I said, slightly off topic but you folks tow all the time so I figure you'd be the first to know what this problem could be. When I tried to start my generator, at first it cranked over for two 10 second attempts just fine but didn't start. Then, I try to start it again and it clicks very rapidly (Similar to a car with a tiny bit of juice left in the battery but not enough to crank it over), and now it just clicks once and you can hear the whine of a solenoid (I think) trying to force power into it to move it but it doesn't turn over at all. I hooked it up to the TV, directly into 120 from my house, and later tried it after I'd leached off of a friend's power and fully charged the batteries; with no luck. I'm thinking bad starter solenoid or the starter itself. I've cleaned all the contact patches to ensure proper flow and grounding, as well as checked fuel level and primed the carb before starting it. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Thanks a ton for any info you guys might be able to provide, and sorry for straying a little off-topic.

Tue, September 8th, 2009, 08:48 AM
Sounds like you might be right with the starter. I would also check to make sure the carb and hoses aren't clogged. I used to work at Tractor Supply and we would have all kinds of things like generators, pumps and chainsaws come back with with clogged/maladjusted carbs. It was a real pain in the butt because the manager would rather send it off than let us fix them, not that it stopped us on a few cases. :D