View Full Version : Missing Calibration Files?

Thu, September 10th, 2009, 12:35 PM
I have a question about the tunes that I had sent to me when I ordered the Minotaur bundle. I ordered it when it was first available to be ordered, I actually ordered it around Thanksgiving of 2008.

I have had the bundle since the middle of January, but I am just now getting into burning more files onto my chip and, I was looking through the calibrations that I have, and I think I may be missing some of them. I wasn't using my truck for awhile, since I had my 04 GTO out on the road(21~27MPG is hard to beat!), and my truck needed some work(quite a bit lol). Now that my GTO is totaled(I got into a bit of a car accident), I have people fixing my truck for me to drive it since I don't have another vehicle anymore to drive, and I wanted to tweak my tuning since all I do is sit at home all day.

When I open the folder for calibration there are five subfolders, which are: High Idle, Hybrid Shifting, Performance, Stock, and Whisper. Inside the performance folder, the highest the last number goes in the tune only goes to 100, which would be VRAA6S3_60, VRAA6S3_80, VRAA6S3_100. I am assuming these Files would be Performance 60, 80, and 100.

It seems I only have the Stock file, High idle files, those three performance files, whisper file, and hybrid shifting file. I was wondering if when I bought it, was I supposed to get Anti-theft tune, Tow tunes, Daily Driver Tunes, Race Tunes, Extreme Tune, Fuel Sipper Tunes, Valet Mode Tunes, Teen Drive Tunes, Lope Idle tune, and smokeshow tune? I have looked up and down through the folders I have and cannot find these tunes anywhere in them.

I emailed Bill about it, but I am assuming he is busy and figured maybe someone on here could just answer this question, and if I was supposed to get all these files, and if its allowed(I'm not sure on the rules with sharing the tunes), if someone could email me the files I am missing. My PCM code is NVK3 or 4(I forget which one), but I am using PMT1 files.


Thu, September 10th, 2009, 10:51 PM
When I open the folder for calibration there are five subfolders, which are: High Idle, Hybrid Shifting, Performance, Stock, and Whisper. Inside the performance folder, the highest the last number goes in the tune only goes to 100, which would be VRAA6S3_60, VRAA6S3_80, VRAA6S3_100. I am assuming these Files would be Performance 60, 80, and 100.

It seems I only have the Stock file, High idle files, those three performance files, whisper file, and hybrid shifting file. I was wondering if when I bought it, was I supposed to get Anti-theft tune, Tow tunes, Daily Driver Tunes, Race Tunes, Extreme Tune, Fuel Sipper Tunes, Valet Mode Tunes, Teen Drive Tunes, Lope Idle tune, and smokeshow tune? I have looked up and down through the folders I have and cannot find these tunes anywhere in them.

I emailed Bill about it, but I am assuming he is busy and figured maybe someone on here could just answer this question, and if I was supposed to get all these files, and if its allowed(I'm not sure on the rules with sharing the tunes), if someone could email me the files I am missing. My PCM code is NVK3 or 4(I forget which one), but I am using PMT1 files.


John, (assumption of name)
I really wish I could help you out on this one, but I am going to have to let Corey and Bill collaborate on this issue.

I'll put it in the moderation section so it gets a more immediate response.

Thu, September 10th, 2009, 11:29 PM
Oh, since edits are usually overlooked, I'll make another post.

If you want a little bit of guidance with certain tunes like "no start" and the speed-limited ones (on any power level) that don't really have anything special about them (and hence aren't infringing on Bill's intellectual property), I can easily let you know what, where, how, and why if you'd like.

Fri, September 11th, 2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks Cleatus! The reason why I asked was on PSN when they released the F.U chip and they said that the customers had access to all the tunes they had available. I asked if the people with Minotaur would also have the same access to all the tunes. I got a PM from Corey saying I should have all of them except lope idle. I don't remember if I replied or not(this was awhile ago), but the conversation died there.

Now that I have time I wanted to tweak the tunes I have, but realized if I was missing a few calibrations, then I may not have to do much tweaking of the files. Most of the tweaking(for now) would have just been shifting because I have 37's and a shift kit in the transmission. So I kinda dug this issue back up.

Power Hungry
Sun, September 20th, 2009, 12:10 AM

Did you get the tunes I e-mailed you? Let me know if they did (or didn't) show up.


Sun, September 20th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Bill, I just checked my inbox and spam folder, and the email with the tunes must not have went through.

Power Hungry
Tue, September 22nd, 2009, 11:58 AM

I'll most likely have to resend when I get back to the office. I have very limited access to files and stuff while on the road.


Sun, October 4th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Whoa I just had a crazy couple weeks and could not get over here lol. Thanks bill, I am not in a huge rush for them, but I would like to work on them while I am at home so I can make a few different changes to the trans shifting, and test them out while I have plenty of time.

A question though, is it okay for members who have Minotaur to email other members who have Minotaur the tunes you send when we order it? That way I think anyone could send me the tunes.


Power Hungry
Mon, October 5th, 2009, 06:22 AM
I have no problem with Minotaur users sharing tunes. In fact, I kind of encourage it. I'm looking at setting up a private forum for Minotaur users to be able to share files and ideas without the hassle of e-mails.

Give me a call tomorrow or Tuesday so we can get your stuff straightened out.