View Full Version : More Stupid Questions About Stuff I Have No Buisness Asking About

Tue, October 13th, 2009, 07:06 PM
So... "Fast" injectors... I get a lot of run around asking about these...

I am just wondering basics of making them run and what the differences are.

Seems like to make it "fast" you have to increase the pressures all the way around... Spring pressures, opening up orfices, who knows what else... But I think the spring pressures on the nozzle valve are really important. If that pressure is higher, it seems like to have ICP reasonable, you'd have to advance SOI so that it would have time to overcome that pressure?

To make large nozzles idle without a lot of smoke, would you advance SOI and jack ICP up so that you get good atomization?

Tue, October 13th, 2009, 07:26 PM
So... "Fast" injectors... I get a lot of run around asking about these...

I am just wondering basics of making them run and what the differences are.

Seems like to make it "fast" you have to increase the pressures all the way around... Spring pressures, opening up orfices, who knows what else... But I think the spring pressures on the nozzle valve are really important. If that pressure is higher, it seems like to have ICP reasonable, you'd have to advance SOI so that it would have time to overcome that pressure?

To make large nozzles idle without a lot of smoke, would you advance SOI and jack ICP up so that you get good atomization?

I have no idea about the first question since every injector "builder" is going to do something different to make the injector saturate and empty faster....it's all about the amount of fuel delivered in a short amount of time which revolves around how fast the oil can fill the intensifier and how quickly the fuel chamber can be emptied.

The second one is easy. Shorten the pulse width (injector on-time) and slightly increase the ICP.

Tue, October 13th, 2009, 09:38 PM
Just wondering. What's your setup? And have you tuned many high HP trucks? Not being a SA. Really just curious because I have a lot more questions.

Tue, October 13th, 2009, 11:21 PM
I've tuned quite a few stock trucks. AA, AB, and AD injectors only. No big oil, no fancy stuff. I know what I like a truck to run like so therefore that's what I do. It turns out that a lot of other folks like what I do too.

I did put ADs in a 96 and tuned for that.

My setup is absolutely boring. It's a great-driving '01 with PMRs, a "mechanical diode" intermediate sprag, no lift, stock size tires, and USA turbo. Max power? 321 corrected. Whoopadee-doo.

It makes a great test bed though.

Wed, October 14th, 2009, 08:14 AM
Cool! Hell, if I had Minotaur, all I'd be focused on is having my truck set up for EVERY situation... So I dont blame you!

Are the single shots a whole lot different?

Wed, October 14th, 2009, 08:45 AM
That's really what I focus on right now because there is about zero demand for super-high performance diesels. The most you really see around here is Edge Juice or similar HPOP modules that folks paid way too much for. Nobody is interested in making 400+ HP but they really want better response, better shifting, and the ability to tow safely at the same time.

I have about 6-7 different programs per HP level for towing, daily driving, or performance. I have about 9 levels per PCM calibration for the SD trucks and 3-4 for the OBS trucks...each with varying amounts of accelerator pedal feel and fueling rates. I created them to be compatible with any situation.....but I'm constantly changing and rebuilding them into more superior programs the more I learn from asking questions or changing certain functions. :D

Single shots different? Yeah, there are a couple maps in the tuning software that have to be changed. I think Bill wrote a long article about it over at PSN.....I'll go find it quickly.......

Here it is:


Wed, October 14th, 2009, 12:37 PM
So, do you live tune as a side job?

Wed, October 14th, 2009, 01:35 PM
I wouldn't call it a "side job" so much as a hobby. I haven't gotten enough of my investment out of it yet to justify calling it a job. :cheesy smile:

It just happens to be something I think I'm good at and something that makes my brain work hard (since my 8-5 job wouldn't challenge a monkey).

Wed, October 14th, 2009, 09:50 PM
See, that's what I'd like to know. Do you think I could get started with tuning a 7.3 for under $800? All I need the Minotaur package? Then I have to buy all the different PCM codes too, right?

Have you tuned any D-max's?

Wed, October 14th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Nope. No Duramaxes.

To tune your own with Minotaur you'd have to get with Corey. I am not sure of the price but you'd get a lot of practice with your truck to start with. I just jumped in head first with 13 definition files from Sniper and 4 from Bill.

Thu, October 15th, 2009, 12:59 AM
Just check the price for the complete Minotaur package on the PHP website. you will get the MDF file for your truck or if there is a better MDF file that will work with your pcm you can get that instead for example my truck is supposed to use the VRAA7y6 binaries but I am running the VRAA6y3 binaries on Bills recommendation that they are better. even if you never do much with tuning seeing and analyzing all the parameters using Minotaur is very interesting and educational...

Thu, October 15th, 2009, 11:44 AM
My grasp on everything is definately tightening. I'm sure I'll end up with Minotaur eventually. Heck, just my family owns 3 7.3's and 1 6 slow. All the 7.3's are between 99.5 and early 01! :woot:

From what I hear, EFI Live is even easier than tuning the 7.3, but I'm not positive.

Thu, October 15th, 2009, 01:22 PM
My grasp on everything is definately tightening. I'm sure I'll end up with Minotaur eventually. Heck, just my family owns 3 7.3's and 1 6 slow. All the 7.3's are between 99.5 and early 01! :woot: Then in the grand scheme of things, you SHOULD be able to buy three blank chips and use the same definition file on all of them (even if one is a manual) as long as you have non-CA emission trucks and similar PCM families between them. For example, if you have two DPC-422 trucks and one DPC-421, then you can use the VRAA6 calibration on all of them.

From what I hear, EFI Live is even easier than tuning the 7.3, but I'm not positive.It BETTER be. There are a lot fewer tuning variables for the engine to make it run vs. the 7.3L. However, the transmission tuning is far more complex for the Allison.

See replies in red.

Thu, October 15th, 2009, 10:24 PM
This has got to be the best thread title I've ever seen. :hehe:

deserves to be in a signature line eh?

Fri, October 16th, 2009, 12:31 PM
I feel like every thread I start should be entitled the same way!:doh:

Thanks for the info Cody. My chip came out of an 02 truck... Is there a pretty broad range of uses for chips? It's been in my truck and my little bro's...

Fri, October 16th, 2009, 01:53 PM
What year is your brother's truck?

Mon, October 19th, 2009, 11:56 AM
Little bro. Mid 99. Mine is an early 01. And the truck it came out of is an 02 with PMR's.