View Full Version : a Ground problem..??

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 02:59 AM
Aloha guys.. So was off for an adventure this afternoon in the truck, Was going to hit up a nice 4x4 road with some mud..
But I hop in and turn the key.. and nothing happens no Wait to start, no idiot lights, No clicks..

So:shrug: climb under the truck and notice It looks like my downpipe coming off and banging my valve cover <-- (previous problem) might have busted this ground cable
Passenger side, left corner theres a bolt with a bullet type connector thing, Looks like where the cable went.

Could this cause such issues? I don't know much about electrical stuffs, But I sure was :cursin:


Sun, November 15th, 2009, 09:44 AM
YES, that's where I would start

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 01:43 PM
The PCM has a couple grounds but most notably the one on the driver's side fender near the hinge spring.

I'd try turning on the key, turning it off, then turning it on again within about 2 seconds. That will give us some ideas.

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 04:37 PM
ook! so.. grounds are good I think..

had a check engine light finally, this is just as I turn the key.. I get the Wait to start every thing else
But a check engine light too
so Im hearing ticking sounds from the underhood fuse box.. and its Relay 2 which is the IDM relay..

unplug that every thing is fine, no CEL no weird door ding sounds, but didn't try to crank it over..

What could this mean..? a bad IDM? Me and my buddy did the IDM mod (his soldering skills) could something have gone wrong..? should I pop the stock IDM back in..?

Seems like some gremlins are playing tricks wid me...:help:

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 04:46 PM
Are the battery terminals clean and tight? Batterys fully charged?

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 05:18 PM
Yup, Pretty clean need a new connector on the passenger side, But with it removed running just on the drivers side battery, Still got problems..

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 08:16 PM
so with further cleaning of all the terminals on the batterys, Reconnect um I hop back in and get full power Wait to start, Fuel, ABS etc

Try and crank over, Nothing just a click, Then no power again
Cleaned all fuses/relays ..

I Hate electrical stuff with a passion!:cursin:

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 09:01 PM
So you have power than attempt to start and loose all power? Classic voltage drop, trace out all you big cables and see where they go and check them for looseness. Should be able to find your problem right away. You could also have a buddy hold the key in the "start" position and systematically wiggle you cables untill you restore power. BE CAREFULL keep all of your limbs and loose clothing away from moving parts!

Good Luck

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 09:33 PM
Dave, thanks for the quick response, Gonna go check um out right now..

Will report back..:thumbs up yellow:

Sun, November 15th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Fixed!! Thanks again Dave..

Was the ground for my H.I.D headlights .. which was along side the big cable in that same housing..

Hope fully no further problems..
