View Full Version : Transmission lifespan?

Sun, November 22nd, 2009, 08:04 PM
I have read and heard from fellow posters that the e40d will only handle the stock power. With intake and open exhaust and a PHP chip, granted only 65-70hp for an OBS, as long as I'm not "drivin it like I stole it" how safe is it? Any info is much appreciated.

easy money
Sun, November 22nd, 2009, 08:23 PM
i have the open pipe turbo back and intake...with an edge power tuner and have about 5000 miles since installation with no problem....and my truck has 181000+ and I'm not skerred to drive it anywhere.:2thumbs::thumbs up yellow:

Power Hungry
Sat, November 28th, 2009, 04:59 AM
We've had customers with well over 100K on the clock running chips/tuners and have had no problems with the E4OD. Like anything else, if you drive it like you stole it then things will wear out. Proper maintenance goes a LONG way to preventing mishaps.

For what it's worth, we've pushed over 350HP through stock transmissions with no problems.