View Full Version : Finally did some towing.

Thu, December 24th, 2009, 02:54 AM
I got a call from a guy needing some boats moved, I was like sure. I havent had a chance to test out my tow tune. This is a 1996 34ft Magic, I am not sure of the weight but there is no motor in it, but its big. I only ran 55-60 with it on the way up from Tucson. From fill in Tucson at the TTT to the Shell by my house was 148.9 at 8.3 gallons thats 17.93 :cheesy smile:mpgs hand calculated with stopping the pump when it first shuts off. EGTs ranged from 600 to 900 tranny temp never got to 150. I am heading out early in the morning to Boulder City to drop it off and will see how she does in the hills.
I had several people tell me there was no way I got that kind of mpgs. I said I had a few things going for me. Keeping a good constant speed not having to slow down and speed up. Not driving like my house was not going to be here when I got here. And gears. The boat has good areodynamics. Plus not alot of climbs. Its 250 miles where I got to go and there is some pretty good hills and this is gonna be a better test.

Thu, December 24th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Good luck!
I'm sure you'll do fine.

Not that you'll need it but my insurance rep suggested that I always have a liability policy for "just in case" situations when I haul other people's vehicles.
I've had a liability policy like this for years and nothing has ever happened but its in place for "just in case".
You'll never know how the people your hauling for will really react until you get into a fender bender and their "baby" gets hurt.

Thu, December 24th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Good deal, Chuck!

So I take it that you're happy with the towing tunes?

Thu, December 24th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Sweet truck and awesome mpg towing that boat!

I'm not to far from Peoria.

Thu, December 24th, 2009, 11:57 PM
I got 13.8 going up. I think I could have done better because Lisa was in front of me with a Starcraft and would only do 55 so I didnt get a run at the hills. When I hit 40 it was all up hill and I drank some fuel. I know if I had a 5er I would have gotten worse cause of the wind. Between Kingman and the dam the wind was horrible. I need to tape up my cooler cause my tranny temps never seen 150 until i was sitting waiting to cross but never went above that. I want to get it to at least 160. Overall I am real happy with its manners not alot of smoke and keeping EGTs down.

Lars I got liability cargo at 100k because this is my side business and alot of people want it and will actually pay you extra. Between the 2 boats we made 800 and then minus out fuel and eats then put some in a maintenance account. All in all not bad for a days work.

Tue, December 29th, 2009, 01:00 AM
Sounds good.
My truck, listed below, saw a big improvement in towing wth the new F.U. 2 chip. I have the oil hungry split shots, and we swapped in a modded 17* HPOP last October.
The truck woke up, I don't know how else to put it other than it is a different animal. I am looking forward to some flat ground towing, but running over Donner Pass (Summit 7200 ft. ) at 20,000 GCVW out to Nevada I saw an honest average of 13.

Brown Falcon
Sat, February 6th, 2010, 11:19 AM
Pretty good numbers towing. I havn't been able to try out my tow tune yet. Just run around in my 65hp Econo and 100hp Perf. tunes back and forth to work.