View Full Version : Need assistance regarding relocation

Mabel Ostertoaster
Sat, December 26th, 2009, 02:06 PM
Hi all,
I'm looking for information and/or resources to help me relocate my family. I live in Independence, MO but want to relocate to the DC metro area this coming summer where I'll be able to find work and my kids will be closer to their dad. The problem is that, right now, I'm at poverty income level and can't afford to pay a mover. It'll cost me about $6000 that I don't have. I know moving companies do sponsor moves for families like mine but can't seem to locate any that are willing to assist me. If anyone knows of a moving company that would be willing to relocate my three kids and me to the East Coast in June, or if you know of any resources I can contact to possibly get help, please advise. I would really appreciate any input I can get. Thanks much.

Sun, December 27th, 2009, 12:44 AM
Talk to their dad.
Garage sales.
Will the move be worth it?
Cost of living is rediculous there.
Give it some deep thought and prayer.
The Big Guy will show you the way.