View Full Version : ?'s about whisper mode
Fri, February 5th, 2010, 02:32 AM
Can I warm my truck up in whipser mode 5-15 mins?
what happen if I drive the the truck while I am in whisper mode?
Fri, February 5th, 2010, 09:36 AM
Can I warm my truck up in whipser mode 5-15 mins? If you can handle the smoky, stinky exhaust. Actually, I wouldn't recommend it due to the poor combustion and subsequent oil contamination with raw fuel that is possible.
what happen if I drive the the truck while I am in whisper mode? Your EGT will be a little higher and your fuel economy might suffer a bit.
See replies in red.
Sat, February 6th, 2010, 12:02 PM
Thanks for all of your help Cody, I would just PM you but maybe somone else may have the same ?'s
I'll take that as a no to warm the truck up in whisper mode LOL.
So if I (or my wife) forgets to take the truck out of whipser mode will it damage the engine. I am not sure but I thought I read some where bill saying that the whisper mode shut off over 800prm I would like to know off into what (stock Maybe)
Sat, February 6th, 2010, 01:11 PM
No, the way Bill programs his whisper mode, it cuts start of injection advance by a certain number of degrees across the board, all the time.
I wouldn't say it is detrimental to engine longevity if you do start and run it while cold. I would try to avoid doing it though.