View Full Version : guage temps
Fri, February 12th, 2010, 05:12 AM
What are the max temps for my guages? Exhaust tranny and boost pls?
Fri, February 12th, 2010, 08:14 AM
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking. Are you wondering what kind of temps you should be seeing? Or are you looking to buy new gauges and need to know what to buy?
Fri, February 12th, 2010, 11:24 AM
for your tranny ur max operating temp is like 220f but at that point you should be pulling over and letting it cool down, normally pulling a 32 foot camping trailer I dont get over 160, it takes alot to warm it up. as for your boost your truck will automaticall through an error code at 24psi, ur ses will come on but after a few minutes will turn back off. as for ur exhaust temp where is ur probe located? if it in the up pipes then back off when it gets up around 1100, you can run it up to 1200 but if you hold it too long your gonna start hurting stuff. if ur probe is on the down pipe i would say dont let it get up to 1000.
Fri, February 12th, 2010, 05:11 PM
There are some pics to show you were tranny and exhaust thats driver side exhaust.
So tranny max 220 pull over or go boom!!
24psi for boost what happens if it goes higher?
And no more than 1200 degrees. My guage says 1 2 3 4 so Im guessing those our hundreds. When I go up the mountains it hits 900 degrees
Fri, February 12th, 2010, 09:18 PM
ur tranny wont blow up but stuff will start to slip. ur probes and such look right, as for exhaust temp ya you can hit 1200 but dont hold it very long, if you go 24psi ses comes on and will defuel ur truck alittle but you wont really notice, but if u get a chip bill will overide that code, but all stock with wastegate plugged in you wont really make more than 18 psi. if you need any help or have questions dont be afraid to ask.
Sat, February 13th, 2010, 03:55 AM
Thanks for your help. i do got a question. How do i get it to boost better. On the highway at 65 im getting 4 psi and I cant get it past 12 (pedal mashed) My wrx i was boosting higher and getting 30 mpg. You would think more boost would help your milage. Is the waste gate bleeding it off or not spinning fast enough?
Sat, February 13th, 2010, 04:12 AM
More boost = more backpressure. Backpressure hurts effiency, buuuuuutt I had read a post on another site that hinted that higher egt's AND boost while cruising MAY increase mileage. I have yet to understand the theory behind this, just throwing it out there. The common thought is that the lower the boost AND egt's the better the economy.
The wastegate is not open at cruising speeds unless there is an issue with the actuator of the gate itself. 4 psi at cruise sounds VERY normal but it should jump higher than 12 when you mash on it.
Is is downshifting out of OD, or do you have a manual?
Have you checked for any pre-turbo exhaust leaks, or any boost leaks?
There are a couple ways to increase boost i.e boost fooler, aftermarket actuators, or just by simply disconnecting the red tube that goes to the actuator. Beware that these all may shorten the life of your already over taxed turbo on a chipped truck, and more boost does NOT always mean more power.
Sat, February 13th, 2010, 12:09 PM
Thanks for your reply. I read about the red tube. Later I will do the wicked wheel. Im not tuned yet still waiting. i have an automatic got to go will write later.
Fri, March 19th, 2010, 05:02 PM
My tranny got to 160 yesterday just driving to work. Thats the hottest its ever got. any issues? was on freeway cruising at 65. 80 hp eco mode, was not driving hard. Couple down hills passed a few cars and the freeway is slight grade down hill with one slide grade uphill. Was a little below 160 on highway once i got off it creeped up to like 161. went threw 5 lights. Pulling a trailer you stay at 160 well i wasnt pulling anything
Sat, March 20th, 2010, 03:37 PM
you should read 2 threads in the 1994 1/2 to 1997 7.3, the threads are “trans probe location” and “stacking trans coolers”
I think you should run 2 trans temp probes. In the hot tranny cooler line and the tranny pan, the pressure port is easy to do but it is a CASE reading, because the aluminum tranny case acts as a heat sink for the engine.
The first thing to get hot (generally) in an automatic is the torque converter, and the front tranny seal will tends to let go because the hot tranny fluid exiting the TC must pass by this seal, so If you monitor you Torque Converter Temp (TCT) and it gets hot 260* plus (I have seen 280*+) just stop what your doing let the truck idle in park till it cools. I wont shut my trucks down until the TCT is less than 190*ish.
I like to run an Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) gauge also, the factory ECT temp gague is to vague for me. I put my ECT probe in the thermostat housing
As for EGT I haul heavy with my trucks and I run in the 1300’s a lot, with the waste gate hooked up. The EGT dose run cooler with the “red” hose un hooked but it kills fuel mileage and power (to much back pressure) above 2400 rpm, but pulls much better at low rpms.