View Full Version : Oil Lines

Sun, February 14th, 2010, 10:23 AM
Dieselsite recommends replacing the high pressure lines yearly with a chipped truck. Is this really necessary? Or just making my pocket lighter? They are great people to talk to. Has anyone blown one of these lines? I had a 1705 on my truck for about 50,000 and now a Phoenix(not many miles on that yet:(). Would it be beneficial to replace these? Also how about the HPX line? Good or a waste?

Sun, February 14th, 2010, 10:39 AM
I would get a set of o-rings to keep in the truck. That is where you usually get your failure. Replacement O-rings for Ford Diesel Engines (http://www.dieselorings.com/index.php?page=details&prod=18&cat=8&group=6)

Wed, January 26th, 2011, 09:00 AM
i had the short one the goes to the drivers side blow 1 month after putting in my pheonix, i was running on stock when it happened. the line burst out the side at the fitting but the oring was actually fine. i had a local hydraulic place make a custom hose a little longer and the guy told me it would handle twice the pressure for less than half the price.

Wed, January 26th, 2011, 11:54 AM
I have yet to loose one.

I am currently running a four line output from my Stealths, all of which have well over 150k on them. Only HPO issue I have had so far is a blown out fitting. There have been may reports of the lines blowing though.

Thu, January 27th, 2011, 12:29 PM
It's like automatic transmissions and powdered metal rods.....

They will or they won't. Could I be any more vague? Probably not.