View Full Version : Pictures?

Sat, January 24th, 2009, 06:56 PM
Hey, does any one have any pictures of a 94-97 diesel with the smoke setting on the PHP chip. I have a 97 with little mods and am just wondering how much more smoke I would get with the smoke setting.

Sat, January 24th, 2009, 11:02 PM
okay cool, thank you

Sun, January 25th, 2009, 06:25 PM

Neal 97 250
Tue, January 27th, 2009, 11:45 AM
Hey Carl! Until recently, our dealers had handled the majority of our diesel customers, so the final customer might not have even known that it was a PHP chip! :omg: We will be installing one of our Phoenix modules (a copyright thing :rolleyes:) on a 7.3L and taking pictures and video -- especially of installation and our calibrations like Whisper Mode and SmokeShow in action! Check back from time to time. ;)

That whisper mod has got my curiosity up. Never heard of it before now. Can it be driven in the whisper mode or is it just for drive thru's?

Power Hungry
Tue, January 27th, 2009, 03:07 PM
We can do it a couple different ways. The problems we've run into with "Whisper Mode" is that to take full advantage of it, we have to do some aggressive fuel and timing adjustments. This ultimately the vehicle rather undriveable. We could do a standard "Quiet Idle" style program that would still perfectly streetable but it won't be as quiet as the Whisper Mode program at idle.

Hope this helps.

Neal 97 250
Tue, January 27th, 2009, 03:56 PM
Yes that helps. I have heard horror stories having to do with timing settings put on the Economy settings of some (one in particular) companies. They would "pop" as I was told, doing regular driving down the interstate.

Would this be another reason you would not want to drive it in whisper mode?

Have you also heard of this situation?

Power Hungry
Tue, January 27th, 2009, 05:11 PM

With the whisper mode, the timing actually goes retarded, not advanced, so a "windowed" motor is not the issue. What is, is severe lack of performance because with no timing the truck won't pull.

As to the "Economy" program issue, there is still a great deal of contention about that. Without getting into specifics, the issue seems to be most prevalent on vehicles with Stg. 2 injectors running that file. Customer have complained about excessive "rattle" along with other issues such as instability when switching to (or from) that file to other files on the chip. I've been asked be customers with ventilated blocks to peruse the calibrations on their chip and have found issues with that specific file. To that extent, I've done that best that I can to make the company aware of the specific nature of the issues. I'm sure they are working them out and would hope that will be the end of it.

Take care.

Neal 97 250
Wed, January 28th, 2009, 07:42 AM
Thanks for clearing that up a bit Bill.
I don't think I have the problem from the person I got my chip from, do you think? You know who I got my chip from right?

Nevertheless I have stage II 180cc's from Jim but do not run that file very often. I have been told that I am safe from my chip supplier, that it was "the other guys".

I understand the whisper mode. Best for drive thru's but not drive by's. LOL

Power Hungry
Wed, January 28th, 2009, 09:45 AM
If you're running them in a 97, then you shouldn't have a problem. The issue seems to be specifically related to 2003-2003 PM Rod engines.

Here's the thing... if it sounds like there's a problem, there probably is one. Engines don't have to rattle excessively to make good power so if it sounds like it's going to come apart then it eventually might.

Of course, it's asking a lot of someone to know the difference between normal diesel rattle and what is too much, but I've had guys tell me "It sure sounded like it was making a lot of noise before the engine let go." If it was enough to get your attention, it was probably too much. :(

Anyway, if you decide to go with some live tuning, whether through us or anyone else, you'll certainly be better off in the long run. :D

Take care.

Power Hungry
Wed, January 28th, 2009, 02:30 PM
I just checked with Jody and he said he hasn't seen any issues on the older trucks so you shouldn't have any worries. :thumbsup:

Take care.

Wed, January 28th, 2009, 03:23 PM
If it's any consolation, I don't think the "issue" resides in the standard PMT1 economy program either. I had been running mine for years and ordered another for a similar truck (both PMR '01s) and NEVER heard anything out of the ordinary at any time. Ran like a champ!