View Full Version : Smoke tune
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 01:38 PM
okay well im looking for mainly peoples response about the smokeshow tune. i want a smoke tune when i order mine and i was wondering if it has any lope to it and how much smoke does it produce? thanks guys
:thumbs up yellow:
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 08:28 PM
Smoke output is dependent on each individual truck. An 03 like yours is going to belch quite a bit.....definitely enough to get the "green police" on your case.
Disclaimer: I do not condone the use of "smoke" tunes as I like having the freedom to modify my diesel. Excessive smoke is the reason the eco-nazi terrorists are winning in the war against diesel enthusiasts.
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 08:49 PM
Disclaimer: I do not condone the use of "smoke" tunes as I like having the freedom to modify my diesel. Excessive smoke is the reason the eco-nazi terrorists are winning in the war against diesel enthusiasts.
*'*** hippies...oh wait...where am I? Uhhhh I meant *'*** eco-nazi terrorists :rofl: edited for content
I have the 100 performance tune on my 02 and it blows a good amount of smoke when I step on it...quite a lot actually.
Hmmm....:cheesy smile:
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 09:12 PM
What Cleatus said........smoke is **********! edited for content
There is a time and a place for smoke and it defiantly is not the street!
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 09:35 PM
Ok guys....
I didn't mean this to start a trend. We have to keep this politically correct and if I let this fly, then I'm not doing my job.
I'm the epitome of anti-political correctness in person, but this is a family-friendly site and we need to make our members feel welcome.
Sorry Charles and Dave.......edits abound! :sigh:
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 09:38 PM
The 100 Performance tune will make a decent amount of smoke.....but it makes a ton of power too. Smoke tunes actually overfuel to the point of "snuffing out" the turbocharger so you don't achieve any benefit of the power rating until about 2000 RPM anyway. How much fun is that?
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 09:50 PM
i would be using the tune seldomly not very often on the street. i just want to know if it has any lope to it when its in the smoke tune like tws has.
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 09:54 PM
It can be made to lope. Yes.
I hope we're not giving you too much grief. :cheesy smile:
Tue, March 16th, 2010, 10:29 PM
Sorry bout that.....
I admit when I first was looking into hopping up my diesel all I wanted was smoke. I quickly realized that smoke does not equal power, and is just a waste of money.......kinda like thrown money out the window every time I stepped on the gas.
Clean power is WAY more impressive than a smokey turd!
Wed, March 17th, 2010, 10:51 AM
its alright guys. but yeah i want the smoke tune for just when im going through a parking lot or at a stop light or something and i just want it to lope like a muscle car and if i want to i can throw a little smoke in the air but im not the type of guy that is 2800r's constantly smoking out innocent bystanders lol. :notallthere:. i just want the lope and smoke in one tune instead of seperate. because i was very impressed with tonys tune and i know bill can do it just as good if not better.
Wed, March 17th, 2010, 06:33 PM
Yeah...sorry for the need for the edits:jester:
Just playing with the whole eco nazi thing...
But back to the OP's questions... The 100 lays good smoke when you get on it...So not only doe sit offer you the benefit of speed, but will give you the smoke you need. I can only assume the 120 and 140 are just more so...but I have PMR's
Wed, March 17th, 2010, 10:01 PM
Yeah...sorry for the need for the edits:jester:
Just playing with the whole eco nazi thing...
But back to the OP's questions... The 100 lays good smoke when you get on it...So not only doe sit offer you the benefit of speed, but will give you the smoke you need. I can only assume the 120 and 140 are just more so...but I have PMR's
yeah i have pmrs too. i just love the lope that tonys smoke tune has and i was curious if i could get that with bills smoke tune too.
Fri, June 4th, 2010, 11:21 PM
I just installed my six position chip and so far so good with all the tunes, my only question being is how much smoke are you guys seeing on the smoke tune? I get a nice dark black cloud when i rev it up in park but when driving in the smoke tune either WOT or partial throttle i get no smoke at all. Just curious to see if any one else sees this as well or if it is normal. Thanks
Sat, June 5th, 2010, 10:24 AM
We have seen this a few times in the past few weeks. There is nothing wrong with the tune, but I'm waiting on word from another customer for whom we did a few changes for as far as his smoke tune goes.....
I will let you know what came of it once I hear back from him.
Fri, June 11th, 2010, 06:54 PM
I hope I'm that customer!! Because it works GREAT now!!! I'm not into smoking people out or anything like that either, but I live in the country, and I'll admit, I love to roll into it on a winding back straight-away and see a little smoke.
The tune that I recieved is actually as smokey or not as you want. Stock injectors on work one way, and the truck SHOULD spool the turbo :hehe:.
So you're not going to get a HUGE amount of smoke when you punch it from a roll, but you can get a good bit if you know how it all works. Mostly, I like rolling into it in 4th with the TC locked going down the road. This new tune will smoke, and smoke, and smoke, and smoke, if you roll into it just right, but eventually your speed/boost will increase until it doesn't smoke much, but I don't recommend that, due to EGT's maybe getting out of hand.
Anyway, what I'm saying is... Smoke is bad in the wrong place, at the wrong time... VERY bad. Whenever I see a guy blowing smoke in town, or acting dumb in front of the wrong people, I get mad, but smoke at the track, or in a secluded area is OK if that's what you're in to.
The lope tune works great as well, really gives it that cool sound!
Disclaimer: I didn't buy a smoke tune, my little brother did, but I stole his chip for the week.
Sat, June 12th, 2010, 09:33 AM
Yep, it was you.
I'm glad to hear that the smoke tune actually smokes (well, not really, but I'm glad you're happy).
I guess I will have to change a few more of them now........:crazy:
Wed, June 16th, 2010, 05:28 PM
My 03 6liter lopes pretty dang hard...Cody ,,,didnt you hear it that day i was down at bills ?? I cant remember..It was set to smoke very little once you hit the throttle, but as soon as you lift your foot back to the lope..and its a 6liter with a vvt.
Wed, June 16th, 2010, 06:44 PM
No, I didn't hear it Brad. I remember you telling me about it but I never got to experience the lope.