Fri, March 19th, 2010, 03:03 AM
When I got it, it had alot of water damage in the rear. Then we picked up the mustang and was wondering what we was going to do about a trailer. We we decided to modify what we had. We are leaving the bedroom but putting a futon in there and leaving the bathroom. Going to reframe the roof to make it sturdy to walk on with 3 ft fold down retainer rails, reframe the rear wall to be able to support the weight. Going to put a window unit a/c sticking out the back. Going to redeck the rear to put the car on (which will double as a camping deck) add an axle to the rear (thinking of moving the front axle to the rear and adding the other that way) and extend the rear out with a dove tail. Going to reinsulate it and put a thing plywood on the outside and have it sprayed with a quality bedliner. Use a sheet of diamond plate upfront for a rock guard with doors for the gas tanks and storage box. Short term goal is to get it usable to go camping, long term is to get the rear deck done and might put up a steel frame siding on the rear with a bigger observation deck but thats tbd. Opinions?