View Full Version : Swamps IDM in...

Wed, April 7th, 2010, 06:44 PM
Ok, the missus bought me a swamps IDM for our anniversary...sorry. she is an only child.

And as much as I complain about her, she lets me have as many cars, motorcycles and guns as I want. In fact, she found our house because it had a huge (for our neck of the woods) garage.

Anyways. Its swamps version with all the trimmings, voltage and frequency bump. I have no idea what this means, ask cody or Dave or Bill. I ride the special bus when it comes to computers.

So the install was..well interesting. I hate the dang wheel liners. Got that out, the IDM was two 10mm and then a 7mm I think to separate it from the bracket. Install is reverse and Bob's your uncle...

Fired her up. I couldn't notice a change in that, but I pulled out a 120 volt IDM...Most people have posted the fire up was quicker.

Backed her out of the drive and ran around the neighborhood. Throttle response is much...much nicer.

Worth the 275? This week will tell. I didn't drive it around enough to tell. But after the phoenix and this, its drives like it should have from the factory (speed wise).

I may need to look into a little more power down the road to help light up those pesky dually's out back though...:evillol:

Wed, April 7th, 2010, 09:15 PM

Good to hear you got it in, the wheel wells can be a real bear sometimes.

Power Hungry
Fri, April 9th, 2010, 07:57 AM
Got a heckuva deal there... on both the missus and the IDM. :) Let us know how you like it once you get some seat time. :2thumbs:

Sat, April 10th, 2010, 09:29 PM
All right, mid week review. 200 miles on...Starting from stop lights is even better. The little hesitation, or rather throttle pedal movement with little or no acceleration is gone. I would say the amount of improvement from stock to 80dd is the same amount of improvement from 80dd to 80dd with the IDM.

I have to say its definitely worth it. Above 1900 rpm, I can't tell a difference other than slightly better passing response (not power, just initial response). But the Chip was way bigger difference in that department.

I would say its like putting on new spark plugs on a gasser that had reaaaly old oily sooty plugs.

Power Hungry
Sat, April 10th, 2010, 09:56 PM
That sounds about what I'd expect. It's sort of the same thing we see on the 6.0L FICM. Very little (if anything) about 1800-2000 RPM, but off the line it's a nice improvement.

Hopefully you'll have some mileage results soon. :)

Take care.

Sat, April 10th, 2010, 10:03 PM
Yeah, the day to day driving has picked up nicely. I can't imagine it will do much for the long 2000 rpm hauls on the freeway.

If only I could slip something onto my patrol car to pick it up, something that I could plug into the obd 2 port (hint hint) :cheesy smile:

Sat, April 10th, 2010, 10:30 PM
Good to hear about Swamp's IDM. I don't think I'll get their modded one, but I just purchased some things to do the voltage mod myself. If all goes well I have 4 to do on my family's trucks. I had heard about the voltage mod and somewhat grasped the concept, but I was unsure about the frequency mod.

I did some looking and found this link from Swamps which describes just about everything. High-Performance IDMs by Swamp's Diesel Performance (http://www.swampsdiesel.com/IDM/High-Performance%20IDMs.htm) Then if you look there are a bunch other related links on the same page. Might take a few times reading it before my head stops going like this -> :crazy:

Power Hungry
Sun, April 11th, 2010, 02:24 AM
Well, what is your patrol car? Crown Vic?

Sun, April 11th, 2010, 09:46 AM
Yep a crown vic. Assortedyears from 2005 to current depending on the week and if anyone has shot my car up :smiley_roll1:

Lately mine has been a 2009 i think...

Dont tease me...Im already drooling at what I hope you have...