View Full Version : Fuel Heater Question!

Thu, July 1st, 2010, 03:20 PM
Yesterday my power stearing hose blew on the way home in the middle of a turn that was fun but all is ok! Well after that was fixed I noticed the Fuel Heater thermostat smoking it was kinda of black but not like it's been on fire and very warm to the touch I got a new one and swaped it out! Has anyone else had this problem and if so was sawping that just a bandaid over a bigger problem or do I need to swap the whole fuel heater?

Thu, July 1st, 2010, 07:02 PM
Are you sure you did not change the GPR?

The fuel heater sits in the bottom of the fuel bowl and is not visible unless you remove the filter.

Thu, July 1st, 2010, 08:47 PM
it was the electric switch that go's to it if I can find my cammera I will take a picture of it!