View Full Version : Getting a new trans, have a PHP question
Thu, November 4th, 2010, 08:52 AM
My trans took a dump this past weekend and I am researching what to replace it with. I am sold on BTS and John Wood. My question is, does PHP favor one over the other with regards to their tunes? I know DP and JW work together to provide the best finished product that they can. I'm just wondering if PHP does anything similar? If I'm about to drop $5grand on this trans, I want to get the most out of it that I can.
Thu, November 4th, 2010, 11:28 AM
I got your PM and replied.
You can't go wrong with either transmission. We can certainly work with whatever you have.
Thu, November 4th, 2010, 11:44 AM
Thanks Cody, I am really torn about which to go with! :confused: :shrug:
Any advice on differences between the two?
Sat, November 6th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Bob sorry to hear your trans problems but hopefully everything works out with the JW trans. This is just me but was glad to see you choose JW, I know I don't have a dog in the fight but it just did my heart good to read it on FTE & hear all the BTS/DP NUTSWINGERS cry!! Like I said wish the best for you CJ
Power Hungry
Sat, November 6th, 2010, 06:28 PM
I've never personally worked with John Wood, but have done tuning for his transmission and have not had any complaints. Our customers that run JW have been extremely happy with the results.
I do like BTS transmissions and have worked very closely with Brian and Cale over the last 10 years. Their transmissions have proven themselves time and time again, and their warranty is about as good as you'll find anywhere in the industry.
It's going to come down to who you really have a good relationship with. Give 'em both a call and see who you are most comfortable with. In the end, that's what you're really paying for as the quality from both will be pretty comparable.
Good luck with your decision.
Mon, November 8th, 2010, 12:05 PM
Well, I definitely wasn't intending to make anyone "cry." I have a lot of friends that are on the BTS bandwagon. John had nothing but good things to say about Bill and his tunes and that's another reason I was inclined to go with his trans. In the end, I took the best advice I got which was to give them both a call and go from there. Once I did that, it was not that difficult of a decision to make. Looking forward to seeing what the combination of Bill's tunes and John's trans can do!
Power Hungry
Mon, November 8th, 2010, 01:35 PM
I don't think anyone was :cry-blow:and I have a good deal of respect for John's work as well. I just haven't had the opportunity to meet or talk with him. I guess at some point I really do need to give him a shout and introduce myself. :howdy:
You'll be quite happy with the trans. No question. :2thumbs:
Mon, November 8th, 2010, 02:44 PM
I was referring to this remark
it just did my heart good to read it on FTE & hear all the BTS/DP NUTSWINGERS cry!!
No offense at all meant towards CJ. I just don't want people to have the wrong impression if they saw my thread on FTE.
You should give John a call. I know he works closely with DP, so there may be some conflict of interest, but he didn't give me that impression when I spoke with him. Heck, I'd love for you to talk with him prior to him building my trans in case he has any questions with regards to the tunes I have from you! Now THAT would be sweet! :cheesy smile:
Mon, November 8th, 2010, 05:39 PM
I was referring to this remark
No offense at all meant towards CJ. I just don't want people to have the wrong impression if they saw my thread on FTE.
You should give John a call. I know he works closely with DP, so there may be some conflict of interest, but he didn't give me that impression when I spoke with him. Heck, I'd love for you to talk with him prior to him building my trans in case he has any questions with regards to the tunes I have from you! Now THAT would be sweet! :cheesy smile:
Bob, I wasn't trying to offend anyone & was very interested in your decision because my trans has 183k on it & is hooked to a trailer 70% of the time. Personally I just get tired of hearing BTS/DP on the site constantly & if anyone has anything positive to say about any other tuner etc they want to tar & feather them haha. Like I said I have no dog in the fight & respect your decision. Good luck with it & I will learn to keep my dam mouth shut. :thumbs up yellow: & yes IMHO there were some nutswingers crying
Power Hungry
Wed, November 10th, 2010, 10:21 AM
I, like you, are pretty darn tired of nutswingers. I don't understand why it's so difficult for some folks to keep an open mind about other companies or products. I've gotten in to pissing matches with folks about certain tunes from DP and despite the insurmountable evidence, they refuse to accept the fact that there have been an unusually large number of PMR failures related to some of their tunes. They just don't understand that I don't care whose tunes they run. All I'm asking is that they just check and make sure that the tunes are safe and if not, get them fixed. I don't see why that has to be such a big deal.
The thing is this... if Bean's, Tony, Swamp's, Matt, or anyone else was having problem with windowing engines, I'd call them out as well. It's nothing personal against Jody, it's just a simple fact that he's tuned more windowed blocks than ALL other tuner's combined... including us. The only thing I'm left with is to just let people find out the hard way. :sigh:
All I ever ask customers to do is to do their homework, contact the different vendors, and pick the one that works for you. There are a number of vendors that provide good products and it just comes down to who you are comfortable with.
Well... that's my rant for today.
Wed, November 10th, 2010, 10:47 AM
I, like you, are pretty darn tired of nutswingers. I don't understand why it's so difficult for some folks to keep an open mind about other companies or products. I've gotten in to pissing matches with folks about certain tunes from DP and despite the insurmountable evidence, they refuse to accept the fact that there have been an unusually large number of PMR failures related to some of their tunes. They just don't understand that I don't care whose tunes they run. All I'm asking is that they just check and make sure that the tunes are safe and if not, get them fixed. I don't see why that has to be such a big deal.
The thing is this... if Bean's, Tony, Swamp's, Matt, or anyone else was having problem with windowing engines, I'd call them out as well. It's nothing personal against Jody, it's just a simple fact that he's tuned more windowed blocks than ALL other tuner's combined... including us. The only thing I'm left with is to just let people find out the hard way. :sigh:
All I ever ask customers to do is to do their homework, contact the different vendors, and pick the one that works for you. There are a number of vendors that provide good products and it just comes down to who you are comfortable with.
Well... that's my rant for today.
First thing apology to Bob for the Hi-Jack... Bill that's the thing that gets me is all the info is out there ..... but! I really need to keep my mouth shut but that deal on PSN with that clown REALLY GAVE ME THE RED *** sorry. Hope Corey can get something done with the migraines. Ya'll always in my prayers God Bless you & yours:thumbs up yellow:
Power Hungry
Wed, November 10th, 2010, 11:23 AM
No worries. It's all good in the end.
Wed, November 10th, 2010, 11:25 AM
No worries, I get frustrated with the "nutswingers" too. I am curious about the PSN thread now, will have to do a search.
Wed, November 24th, 2010, 11:15 AM
JW Trans is installed and while I am really pleased with the performance of it I do have a question with regards to tuning for it. If I am accelerating anywhere between somewhat agressively and WOT, the shifts are perfect. By "somewhat agressively" I mean about 2200rpm or so. The problem is, in traffic I cannot usually get above 1800rpm when accelerating without running into the cars in front of me, and at that RPM the shifts are a bit harsh. It kinda feels like the trans is being thrown into the next gear. I am trying to get in touch with John to get his take, but I was also wondering if this is something that can be manipulated in the tunes. I would assume so, BUT the shifting is the same when I remove the chip completely as well.
Thanks for the help!