View Full Version : spikes in maps
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 04:00 AM
So looking through some of the maps I see there are some spikes in some of the graphs that really make me wonder if they are supposed to be like that or not. I just don't get how you would be going smooth then all of a sudden max out a value then back to the previous curve in a couple hundred rpm. For example my Inferred Throttle Position map, the verticle incriments sem to represent Throttle A/D counts, the incriments on the bottom left appear to be engine RPM and the ones on the right bottom appear to be MFD. On the lowest MFD line if you follow it along the RPM side it curves upsomewhat gradually to peak at 1024 A/D counts at 2500 rpm then drops back down to almost 0 A/D counts up to about 3800 rpm then spikes back up to 1024 A/D counts.
On my torque table it appears that FT/LBS is the verticle axis, the lower right is RPM and I have no idea what the other is. Anyway right at 1400 rpm the tq drops to 0 along that whole lower left axis then spikes right back up again. I can't imagine why this would spike down like that at 1400rpm. Is this correct or should these be more of a smooth transition?
Power Hungry
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 11:11 AM
Picture examples...
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 12:37 PM
I actually asked about the inferred throttle map once before so I know exactly what your talking about there. Working with OBS auto? I haven't seen what your describing for the torque table map though. Usually you can tell what the axis units are if you view the numbers/spreadsheet view using F6. Here ( is where I asked about the inferred throttle once. I can't find the picture from my photobucket account so I just took another screenshot. Left is a stock, right was from a low HP tuned file for a stock truck. I think the right is the same for all tuned files.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 01:05 PM
I had looked at mine to try and see what you were seeing GTS, but mine looks nothing like what Thomas had posted.
That is odd.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Forgive me guys I'm not much of a computer wizard. Never really done much for screenshots so I'm not sure how to do that. But the graph Thomas posted is one that I am talking about. I'll try to figure out how to do a screenshot and post up the other graph in a bit.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 01:53 PM
OK I hope I did this right. If so the pic of the map should be below. (
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Wow, you OBS guys dont have much resolution on that map!
As for the shape, I could not tell ya.:shrug:
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 03:25 PM
That's not right.
Either the definition is corrupt or the binary is corrupt. If you PM me your email address, I will send a stock TDE1 binary to you to see if it's the problem or not.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 03:32 PM
Oh, and your inferred APP map is just going to be that way.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 03:55 PM
e-mail is
Thanks for the input. Do you have any explanation as to why the APP map is that way or is it just that it is what it is?
If I smooth out that dip is it going to affect the other maps so I'll need to go make adjustments elsewhere as well.
This brings up another question, If I make a change on one map that changes things on another map will those changes on the other map show up on the actual map. So if I move something on one map and have the other map that is affected as well pulled up side by side will I see the changes being made by the map I'm working on move things in the other affected map? Or are all the changes to the other map more or less behind the scenes
Dave can you please explain a bit what you mean by not much resolution? You mean the increments aren't as fine as in the SD files you have?
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 04:20 PM
You have mail.
Personally, I never touch the Inferred TP map on anything.
As far as the ICP map goes, you should have two. One metric (unintelligible gibberish the metric system is), and one SAE in PSI. If you change one, it will automatically change the other as the binary addressing is the same for both, it's simply the way the definition file is set up to display both units of measure. If you have both ICP maps open, you will only see the changes you made in the first one until you close and re-open the second one.
Tue, December 14th, 2010, 04:39 PM
Awesome! Thanks so much for your help.
I was thinking about messing with the inferred TPP map to adjust full load fuel to come on at 4.0v or so. I'm currently only really seeing 3.5-3.8v from the TPP so I was going to do some tweeking on the pedal. That way if I go over the 4v I have some room before I hit 4.5v and the PCM cuts fuel. Would there be a better map to go about doing this?
Power Hungry
Wed, December 15th, 2010, 10:31 AM
I actually asked about the inferred throttle map once before so I know exactly what your talking about there. Working with OBS auto? I haven't seen what your describing for the torque table map though. Usually you can tell what the axis units are if you view the numbers/spreadsheet view using F6. Here ( is where I asked about the inferred throttle once. I can't find the picture from my photobucket account so I just took another screenshot. Left is a stock, right was from a low HP tuned file for a stock truck. I think the right is the same for all tuned files.
The spike in the middle of that map is obviously not supposed to be there. Hey, Ford's not perfect either. ;) As to the definite ridge in the middle of the map, this is because the X-Axis transfer function for the map only addresses the first 10 columns and disregards the rest. This is where transfer functions can get tricky. You can actually correct the transfer function to address the full scale of the map and provide greater resolution, but you just need to be really careful or you can cause all sorts of oddities. For the most part (on this map at least) there really isn't any advantage in expanding the resolution so there no reason to even bother.
OK I hope I did this right. If so the pic of the map should be below. (
The map in this example is not addressed correctly so the start of the map is shifted. This could be due to a problem with the binary file, the definition file, or a mismatched binary/definition combination. I see this when using a VDAB0 file with a VCAB0 definition, and vice-versa. If you could let me know what binary and definition file you're using, we can clear that up for you.
Take care.
Wed, December 15th, 2010, 01:18 PM
Why do they make the entire map if they are only going to use the first 10 columns??? :doh:
The Defenition file I'm using is VCAB0_02(216e).mdf and the Bianary I'm using is the one you wrote me when you live tuned my truck. VCAB0_02-Version2\0002_1_224K.bin.
I hope this helps figure out what's going on.
Wed, December 22nd, 2010, 03:56 AM
As to the definite ridge in the middle of the map, this is because the X-Axis transfer function for the map only addresses the first 10 columns and disregards the rest.
So Bill I've been studying the Inferred Throttle Position map that you talked about and have a couple questions. First this map seems a bit on it's side to me. It seems to be that the verticle A/D counts should be running up the right side and the MFD should be the verticle part. Second based off what you said if the first 10 columns are all that the PCM even uses then what does it do for the rest of the map? The first 10 columns cover to 3,000 RPM so what happens above that? Does it just take what ever the last portion of the map is and extend it over the rest of the map? I've seen this on a few maps where the map doesn't go as far as it could. For example the ICP map only goes to 55 MFD when MFD obviously goes at least to 100.
Anyway I'm trying to set up my throttle so that I see full load fuel at 4volts being I'm not getting anywhere near 5 volts or 1024 A/D counts when my foot is mashed on the floor and I noticed so far I'm only getting to 80 MFD. So on that note I take it if I just lower the portions of the map at 1024 to 816 that should accomplish full load fuel at 4 volts? Am I off on my thinking here?