View Full Version : Getting PHP Tunes installed on a CTS/Upgrading CTS to Gryphon

Thu, December 23rd, 2010, 09:19 AM
I have a stock 2001 F250 4x4 CC 7.3 Auto. Only mods so far are an AFE Stage II. I plan on exhaust, a valve body, and tunes - and I have a few questions:

1. If I have a CTS with Edge tunes and want to get PHP tunes on it, what is the process? IOW, how do I "upgrade" to Gryphon if I am understanding this correctly? I don't care about the housing color, just want PHP tunes on it.

2. How many tunes are available?

3. Will it switch on the fly?

4. If no switch on the fly, how long does it take to change tunes?

5. What will the unit monitor?

5(a). I know I need an EGT probe, but will I have tranny temp?

6. Must I send the unit in, or can files be emailed which I can download?

Trying to decide between this option and something like the FU with gauges.



Thu, December 23rd, 2010, 10:32 AM
Bill says these CTS can hold up to 20 tunes....

You don't need to send it in....you'll just use fusion when emailed your tunes are ready.....

As for some of your other questions someone else will have to chime in.....

Please read......Power Hungry Performance - Upgrades (http://www.gopowerhungry.com/_upgrades.shtml)

Thu, December 23rd, 2010, 05:20 PM
2. How many tunes are available?As 88 said i think 20 is correct

3. Will it switch on the fly? No, the cts is not a switch on the fly

4. If no switch on the fly, how long does it take to change tunes?maybe a minute or 2min tops

5. What will the unit monitor? ICP,pulse witdth,boost,ambient intake temp,engine coolant,batt volts,engine oil temp,app throttle,Iknow im missingsome, but cant remember all of them off the top of my head

5(a). I know I need an EGT probe, but will I have tranny temp?I dont know if that is a pid for 7.3 or not...Im sure bill or cody will chime in on this.

6. Must I send the unit in, or can files be emailed which I can download?I dont think so,,i think it can all be done thru fushion online..I Do think im correct on that.

Trying to decide between this option and something like the FU with gauges.I hope i helped you out on this. If you have any question feel free to email me. I will do all i can to help. Thanks alot