View Full Version : Hard start no Power

just stroking
Wed, January 19th, 2011, 02:20 PM
I have a 2002 f-350 with 189,000 miles on it. when the temperature drop here the truck would have a hard time starting and then when it does it had no power until it warmed-up or you drove for about a mile, then it runs and idles great. It starts and runs like it has run out of fuel. I took it to Ford and they said my motor was dusted and I needed a new motor. I took it to another shop and they say I need new injectors. I think I have a fuel problem either the fuel is draining back or maybe the lift pump is getting weak??? Any help or suggestion would be great. The glow plugs have been checked and a new relay installed. Also does anyone knows of a good PSD mechanic in Phoenix? This is my personal truck, I have 6 in my fleet all 7.3's.

Chuck in Phoenix

Thu, January 20th, 2011, 02:44 AM
Look in the v at your fuel bowl. Look for puddle of fuel underneath. It's probably leaking. If it is go to dieselorings.com and buy a rebuild kit. Once you do that look at the main forum page they have something oil x or something run that it'll help your plungers. I'm sure with that mileage you need injectors . Once I installed mine my cold start problem went away!

Thu, January 20th, 2011, 05:52 AM
From the way you describe it , it sounds like you have injector issues. You could try some rev x, that bill sells it for sure wont hurt anything and should help alot with your cold start issues. If not, then it is probaly time for some new injectors.

Thu, January 20th, 2011, 07:56 AM
The Rev-X really helped my tired old injectors with the cold starts. It would romp & carry on at the 1st start anytime temp was below 45 deg, hasn't even thought about a romp since adding the Rev-X. I don't believe it fixed anything but I think it's buying me a little time.