View Full Version : Im taking the turbo out right now

Sun, March 13th, 2011, 03:28 PM
I've gotten everything unhooked but the up-pipe. The band is completely loosened but its like it be heated up so much it welded itself. Any suggestions on how to get it off. Like to get back up and running before dark. Thanks

Sun, March 13th, 2011, 05:23 PM
You need to get the clamps (both collector and downpipe) completely out of the way, just loosen it up to a point where you can get it onto the turbo or the collector.

The turbo needs to lift upwards to "disengage" from the pedestal, then out towards the front to remove. Some times a bit of help from a pry bar is all it takes.

Good luck!

Mon, March 14th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Thanks Dave. I tried to pry om it with a large screw driver, no luck. Finally got some stuff called Kroil (pronounce "Crawl"). Sprayed that stuff on there and a mintue later, wiggled the turbo and it popped lose.

Finally conquered my fear.... taking the turbo off. I've had the WW sitting in the console for a year now. Started at 12 yesterday and didn't get done untill 6:30. I started the process trying to get the turbo off to do it the "right way". But I found it fery difficult to get the up-pipe clamp loosened. I guess it got so hot it had welded itself on. So then I got the housing off to try using the impact (reluctantly). I am one of the guys on here that can say been there, done that, DONT DO IT. I figured out that when the turbo wheel is losened, it allows side to side play in the shaft an it can/will cause the exhaust side turbine to hit the housing. The WW threads on tighter than the factory wheel. I was also able to get the waste gate off without taking the C clip (or E clip) off. Instead I took the 2 nuts off the waste gate, where it mounts to the housing. After some wrestling and tugging I won the battle. Deffinatley not being as gentle as i should have but I was desperate after laying on top of the engine for 4hrs. Having a 3.5" body lift and a ranch hand bumper to sand on helped a lot. At one point, I had my head pushed all the way to the back to where I could see the up-piped mounted to the turbo. After I tried using the impact, and decided that was a bad idea, I remembered my dad have given me a can of Kroil (pronounced "Crawl"). I sprayed that on the up-pipe clamp, minute later I wiggled the the turbo and the clamp broke lose...out comes the turbo. For reinstallment and in case I ever do anything like this again, I sloted the holes on the housing where the waste gate mounts....MUCH EASIER:thumbs up yellow:. After I got everything hooked back up I took it for a test drive. It kinda freaked me out when I heard how much louder it is. I also noticed that th top boost level has dropped to 20psi max. But the performance seems to be much smoother and I dont really notice any power loss. Wife told me it looked like I got in a fight with a chicken and it won. Here's some pics>>>