View Full Version : question about tunes
Fri, April 1st, 2011, 12:56 AM
I'm trying to talk my buddy into going with php. He wants a custom tune for his truck that doesn't mess with the transmission . He got a torque converter and an upgraded valve body. He has a chip called the super chip that has tow safe mode but its messing up his shifting. He wants a one time deal that flashes his pcm and that's it no display or anything. He's picky and has money. What do our suggest?
He will have 4 inch exhaust , trailer brake on the turbo, gauges.
It's an 02 and we live in California so we will have to smog he toes a 28 ft 5th wheel.
Fri, April 1st, 2011, 09:41 AM
I'm trying to talk my buddy into going with php. He wants a custom tune for his truck that doesn't mess with the transmission . He got a torque converter and an upgraded valve body. He has a chip called the super chip that has tow safe mode but its messing up his shifting. He wants a one time deal that flashes his pcm and that's it no display or anything. He's picky and has money. What do our suggest?
He will have 4 inch exhaust , trailer brake on the turbo, gauges.
It's an 02 and we live in California so we will have to smog he toes a 28 ft 5th wheel.
Trailer brake on the turbo??? You mean using the EBPV as an exhaust brake??
Check out this thread. I know PHP is against a decel tune, but there is some pretty interesting info in this thread that says otherwise. I would be interested on a reply from PHP on their take on this thread.
DP-Tuner with Decel Mode - Page 2 - Diesel Forum - (
If he is able to get a pcm flash, it may not be able to pass a smog test. And unless he has a stock pcm to put in the truck for testing, he is up creek without a paddle. Also, IIRC, a programmer or chip will overide any pcm programming so he has to lose the superchip. I want to say PHP can reprogram a superchip programmer, I just looked for an ordering form for that but couldn't find it.
Kinda seems pointless to have custom tuning but not to firm up the shift points:hmmm:
Someone from PHP will have to adress this issue to say what they can do for the man...just my .02
Fri, April 1st, 2011, 11:39 AM
We can certainly do programming for a truck and not mess with the shift firmness, shift points, or both. It's very common to have shifts that are too harsh when using aftermarket programming along with modified transmissions.
We can't reprogram the Superchips flash programmers, but we can reburn the gold chips that Superchips used to sell.
We don't do "decel" tunes due to possible transmission problems, but it sounds as though your friend has a plan to simply wire the exhaust backpressure valve solenoid to a switch.
We no longer offer a programmer for the 7.3L that just holds tunes (Evo2 or Standard Gryphon), but we can reflash the PCM with a custom calibration built to his specifications.
Fri, April 1st, 2011, 12:33 PM
Sounds like he is rather picky, and yes he needs to put it back to stock for 'smog' bs..
Sun, April 3rd, 2011, 02:27 AM
I told him the exhaust break is bad news. It's broken at the moment and he wants to get it fixed.its the one that uses the flap on the turbo. I told him they would flash his pcm but he said no. He wants it just like his super chip. I will tell bim to call php.