View Full Version : Aaannnddd POP!
Tue, May 24th, 2011, 12:34 AM
Well, by the title of the thread can you guess what happened? Between the extremely loud pop and white smoke out the tailpipe it might be enough of a clue. I also had projectile mystery(well not really a mystery) material in the engine compartment, only found one piece, good chance its my problem.
Head gasket anyone?
Tue, May 24th, 2011, 01:11 AM
Wow....had me worried there for a minute.
That sucks man, but its not the worst thing that could have happened.
Any coolant get into the cylinders?
Tue, May 24th, 2011, 08:54 AM
Yeah I guess I could of had projectile engine block material, so its not the worst scenario. It blew out right at the back of the driver's side head. I'm kind of amazed at how that gasket made it from there up above the A/C line. Head is still on, but I'm guessing there was coolant that made it to the cylinder just from the smoke out the tailpipe, the rest of it just poured on the ground.
Engine kept running, it was a definite POP when it happened. It was the first real WOT run with the pickup and current setup, as I was usually satisfied with performance at half throttle or less. Comp 910s were waiting to be installed so I though I might have lost a rocker arm as well but they all checked out. I had just changed the oil after hauling a smaller tractor on a bumper trailer. I went to unhook the trailer and then only a few miles before putting it down. Probably about 10 minutes from the oil change... I did not even THINK of it being a cold engine with such a recent oil change and possibly cooler oil until after it happened. I'm not sure if that had an effect or not.
Pretty full day of work at the shop, so it'll probably be after hours before I dig deeper. Might hear from me late tonight.
Tue, May 24th, 2011, 11:37 PM
Update time, I knew that headgasket at the back of the cylinder head had blown out, so that's the first picture, #8. Star pattern from some too advanced timing? Its really the only cylinder with a definite pattern.
Prior to head removal I had noticed that the gasket had also pushed out slightly on the front cylinder of the same bank, #2. There is a very minute star pattern, I can only see two "points."
Figuring I've been flirting with disaster running new stock springs(supposedly around 20k since replacement), yes its true. Everything looked fine in the valvetrain when removed, but I'll be taking a much closer look.
Figuring on stock headgaskets with new ARP or H11 headstuds, probably throwing on a 68/74 modded H2E and turning down, knowing the high HP that the sledgehammer would provide is kinda out of reach with fresh headgaskets and the local street diesel class is 2.8 anyway. Going to check piston protrusion on 2 and 8 compared to the rest. Had the 910s to install for a while now, just didn't think I'd be doing it with the heads off. YAY!:rofl: Can't really justify a complete engine build quite yet. Need a few more $$.
Wed, May 25th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Update time, I knew that headgasket at the back of the cylinder head had blown out, so that's the first picture, #8. Star pattern from some too advanced timing? Its really the only cylinder with a definite pattern.
That'll buff out.... :hehe:
Sucks to see it but as Dave pointed out, it could have been worse.
Wed, May 25th, 2011, 09:33 PM
Picture time, once again. Despite have quite a few 7.3s in the family and working on several others as well, it's the first time I've had a cylinder head off. In the process of getting the head real clean I noticed some machining. Anyone know if this is an OEM head surface? Supposedly rebuilt about 20k miles ago, so it could have been resurfaced sometime. With all the tractors and other vehicle heads I have never really seen anything like it, in fact I can lightly feel the machining with my finger. I've been taught that if you can feel something on the head or the block, it isn't clean enough yet. Unfortunately I can't really scrape that off... lol. Probably going to call the machine shop in the morning to get an opinion too. Might post on a higher traffic site like PSN, but thought if any vistors here could chime in that'd be great.
Wed, May 25th, 2011, 11:23 PM
That ain't normal. Must be a high performance setup for extra gripping power so you don't blow head gaskets :hehe: Did you put a straight edge on it and the block?
Thu, May 26th, 2011, 07:46 AM
You shouldn't be able to feel the machining marks from the end mill.....
Looks like someone had the travel speed set a little too high when they set that up on the milling machine.
Sun, May 29th, 2011, 02:12 PM
You shouldn't be able to feel the machining marks from the end mill.....
Looks like someone had the travel speed set a little too high when they set that up on the milling machine.
Agreed. I spent two years working in a machine shop and we would never send something out the door looking like that.:disbelief:
Sun, May 29th, 2011, 07:40 PM
That ain't normal. Must be a high performance setup for extra gripping power so you don't blow head gaskets :hehe: Did you put a straight edge on it and the block?
Yeah I was hoping I found the dark secret in 7.3 performance to keep headgaskets from blowing, unfortunately not.:rofl:
Block and heads checked out true with straight edge.
Agreed. I spent two years working in a machine shop and we would never send something out the door looking like that.:disbelief:
Yeah I had a hard time believing it was normal. I have seen many head surfaces, and my dad many times of what I have, and it was a first... over on PSN someone called it corduroy... lol.
Here's the plans, heads were resurfaced(needed about .005" to clean up heads completely, valve recession still good), New H11s, stock head gaskets, Smith Brothers pushrods, shimmed Comp 910s. Honed cylinders and re-ring with rod bearings. Modded H2E will be going on with Bean's brass up-pipes(pretty sure they've been leaking some since I got the truck, spoolup should be near instant compared to the sledgehamer. Even though piston protrusion checked out, I changed out the connecting rods after reading this post over on PSN about a person who had a nearly identical situation I did.
So if piston protrusion is ok run it or dont even chance it?? Are you saying arps arent very good???
*I* wouldn't chance it...ever.
cause *I* have personally pitched a rod that checked out dead nuts tits, was shot peened, checked for bend/twist & magnafluxed ...came out of a cyl that had popped a HG...went back in the same cyl...then came through the block in 3 months...and have seen the same over and over w/ customers who pop a gasket...THEN do studs, LOL...
then pitch a rod.
and arp's aren't on my short list for head studs...
One somewhat of a budget and but doing a decent amount of work I'd be kicking myself immensely if a rod ever threw. Feeling a lot better after changing them out. Should be up and running by Wednesday night I'm figuring.
Tue, May 31st, 2011, 01:51 PM
*waits to see more* i wanna see this rig in action now!
Tue, June 7th, 2011, 10:34 PM
I'm a little past due... but its update time!
Originally planned to be running last Wednesday night, it got bumped back to running on Friday night at about 11pm. Really runs great and I can't complain so far but there's only about 100 miles on it yet. The only change from the build listed earlier is that I decided to do a minor port/polish to the heads(not a first, but for a 7.3 yes) since they were going to be getting some machining for re-surfacing and cleaned up after that anyway. I don't remember this thing moving the speedo for sub-30 lbs boost as fast as it does now.:cheesy smile:
Found several things that left me scratching my head a little. Threads on the oil pressure sender on the reservoir were nearly completely stripped out... not sure how that sender stayed put. Couple piston pin circlips were 'sideways,' although I'm not sure the RPMs would ever be high enough to bother that. The dipstick holder in the pan, even though I replaced the o-ring while the engine was still in the truck earlier and it sealed well, I found that the o-ring was infact not entirely seated properly.
All in all seemed like a success. I'm really glad I have the know-how and resources to accomplish a task like this myself(with help pulling and dropping the engine back on the mounts. :woot:
Tue, June 7th, 2011, 11:51 PM
May I asked why you switched turbos?
Thu, June 9th, 2011, 11:40 PM
Sure Dave, few reasons I went down in turbo size was that I did miss the quicker spool up of a smaller turbo. I didn't get a lot of 'tune-time' with the 76mm turbo and I probably could have helped that, but even with a well controlled skinny pedal it really needed some RPMs to spool decent. Another reason is the local truck/tractor pull organization is 2.8 limit for street diesels. Not sure I'll be doing it but it's an itch I'd like to scratch, lol, and if I did I'd like to be legal for prizes(ok, maybe that's high expectations:hehe:)
Here's a video of a no-very low boost 20mph roll on throttle with VERY little smoke and I never pushed past 30psi boost. Of the short clip on the speedo, I think 50-65 is the fastest.
Here's a side by side of the turbine housings, sledgehammer to stock H2E on the right.
Fri, June 17th, 2011, 12:45 AM
I've never been so scared to hear an intercooler boot blow off in my life.... :twitch:
and then only a few moments later so relieved. Killed the engine even, walked around, saw some dripping, THANKFULLY just the A/C.
Must not have been quite snug enough. I've been keeping boost pretty much sub-30 lbs, as hard as it is knowing there is more on tap.
Sun, October 2nd, 2011, 04:36 PM
Slightly braver now... another acceleration run, not breaking 40 PSI boost this time. More is on tap... just need to finish up the 03 rebuild before I get braver(or stupider) yet. lol
Mon, October 3rd, 2011, 03:48 PM
Slightly braver now... another acceleration run, not breaking 40 PSI boost this time. More is on tap... just need to finish up the 03 rebuild before I get braver(or stupider) yet. lol
Not bad......
Thu, October 13th, 2011, 03:32 AM
She scooooots pretty good :)