View Full Version : Bio Diesel

Diesel Rookie
Fri, June 17th, 2011, 08:53 PM
I have been running your chip in my truck for a couple of years now and it is outstanding, no complaints. :thumbs up yellow:

I asked about a bio tune around 1 year ago and Bill said if he new the base oil he could write one for me. Unfortunately due to CA state laws the place I was getting it stopped carrying it. :doh:I found b100 about 3 months ago again and have been running it with good results so I want to bring the question up again. The base oil is waste oil usually mainly a blend of soy, penut, and conolla. I would like to see if it is still possible to get a tune written for this and if so how do I go about getting the process started.

I currently run an fu2 chip in a 2003 7.3 4x4 F350

