View Full Version : I just got a 2002 7.3L Crew Cab! :D

Tue, August 9th, 2011, 10:30 PM
So I decided to upgrade my truck... to a powerstroke :D, It is the 7.3, Crew Cab, 6ish foot bed, and it has a manual tranny, and now that I have my very first diesel truck I have a few questions.
First: When I do upgrade my truck to get better performance, what should I do first?
Second: I need to improve my vocabulary/truck knowledge... so I have read a lot of terms on diesels, such as HPOP, and while I know that an HPOP is a High Pressure Oil Pump, I don't exactly know what that means or what it does or why it helps. Another is the difference in fuel injectors, stage one, two, three, hybrid, or whatever else there is, where can I read to learn why these are different, and which I would want?
Third: What do I need to worry about for my truck's future health? is it fairly straight forward? just keep the fluids changed when needed and dont hit anything or is there more that I now need to worry about?
Thanks in advance for all the help and answers!

Tue, August 9th, 2011, 10:48 PM
To hell with the truck

What about the wedding.......

Tue, August 9th, 2011, 11:15 PM
Haha my wife liked that comment a lot... :D, the wedding went well, we got married on monday the 18th, had the honeymoon that week, and the reception was on Friday the 22nd. We went to a place called the Zermatt, it was a really nice hotel and we got the room for a great price :D. The saturday after the reception we had a family reunion with my dad's family, and then we left to colorado on Monday the 25th. :D, what else do you want to know? :cheesy smile:

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 12:37 AM
Don't have a lot of time to type some stuff/recommendations or I would, but here is an awesome resource. DTS Articles - Coffee Table Books (http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/articles/article-06-08.php)
Download any of 7.3 PSD documents, each are worth taking a look through at least once since you're now an owner.

Here's some basic injector stuff.
Power Hungry Performance Forum - FAQ: Ford Power Stroke Diesel FAQs (http://forum.gopowerhungry.com/faq.php?faq=faq_73_psd_tips#faq_faq_injector_selec tion)

Here's a good discussion on injectors but might seem over your head to start out with.

Sounds like a nice vehicle, oh... and pictures!

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 12:56 AM
Don't have a lot of time to type some stuff/recommendations or I would, but here is an awesome resource. DTS Articles - Coffee Table Books (http://www.forddoctorsdts.com/articles/article-06-08.php)
Download any of 7.3 PSD documents, each are worth taking a look through at least once since you're now an owner.

Here's some basic injector stuff.
Power Hungry Performance Forum - FAQ: Ford Power Stroke Diesel FAQs (http://forum.gopowerhungry.com/faq.php?faq=faq_73_psd_tips#faq_faq_injector_selec tion)

Here's a good discussion on injectors but might seem over your head to start out with.

Sounds like a nice vehicle, oh... and pictures!

Thanks! I put 3 pics up in my album, but here is a picture of it, http://forum.gopowerhungry.com/members/ticopowell-albums-my-new-my-old-trucks-picture1001-2002-f-250-7-3.jpg :D
it needs some body work, lots of little scratches and a few bigger spots that need to be repainted, plus the rear bumper needs to be replaced at some point in the future... but ill get around that soon enough...
Again thanks for the help :D

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 08:19 AM
Haha my wife liked that comment a lot... :D, the wedding went well, we got married on monday the 18th, had the honeymoon that week, and the reception was on Friday the 22nd. We went to a place called the Zermatt, it was a really nice hotel and we got the room for a great price :D. The saturday after the reception we had a family reunion with my dad's family, and then we left to colorado on Monday the 25th. :D, what else do you want to know? :cheesy smile:

Truck looks good

I hope you know I was just busting stones about the wedding, sounds like a good one :thumbs up yellow:

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 02:21 PM
Truck looks good

I hope you know I was just busting stones about the wedding, sounds like a good one :thumbs up yellow:

Haha yeah I guessed as much, but I don't mind talking about the wedding either :D

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 03:20 PM
So I decided to upgrade my truck... to a powerstroke :D, It is the 7.3, Crew Cab, 6ish foot bed, and it has a manual tranny, and now that I have my very first diesel truck I have a few questions.
First: When I do upgrade my truck to get better performance, what should I do first?IMO, open up the exhaust and intake. Then buy gauges (pyro, boost, transmission temp. Then you "safe" to add a chip/tuner
Second: I need to improve my vocabulary/truck knowledge... so I have read a lot of terms on diesels, such as HPOP, and while I know that an HPOP is a High Pressure Oil Pump, I don't exactly know what that means or what it does or why it helps.A simple explanation of why the 7.3 needs the HPOP, diesel detonates at high pressure and warm or hot cylinder temps. To get the diesel in there at high pressure, you need a high pressure pump to get it in there. The truck wouldn't run without it. There are aftermarket pumps to push larger injectorsAnother is the difference in fuel injectors, stage one, two, three, hybrid, or whatever else there is, where can I read to learn why these are different, and which I would want? You can look on PHP site where they sell the injectors. It gives a breakdown of each stage they offer in the box next to them
Third: What do I need to worry about for my truck's future health? is it fairly straight forward? just keep the fluids changed when needed and dont hit anything or is there more that I now need to worry about?
Thanks in advance for all the help and answers!For oil, you might want to change every 6000miles. You could get the oil tested when you change it by Blackstone for around $22. The test kit is free. I'll post a copy of my results. Not sure about the other fluids. I've heard if you do a GOOD flush on the coolant system...you can put the red coolant in it and never worry about it again. I have my transmission serviced once a year. Blackstone can test transmission fluid as well

2x4 =Two Wheel Drive
4r100 =Automatic Transmission 4 Super Duty Trucks with a 7.3
4x4 =Four Wheel Drive
ABS =Anti-Lock Braking System
AC =Air Conditioning
AIC =Auxiliary Idle Control
APCM =Auxiliary Power train Control Module
ATF =Automatic Transmission Fluid
BARO =Barometric Pressure Sensor
BB =Bulletin Board
BBS =Bulletin Board System
BCA =2nd Best Bearing Company
BTW =By the way
CC =Crew Cab (4 door)
CCV =Crank Case Vent
CDR =Crankcase Depression Regulator
CPS =Cam Positioning Sensor
DORA =Dealer Order Receipt Acknowledgment
DRW =Dual Rear Wheels
DTC =Diagnostic Trouble Code
DVOM =Digital Volt-Ohm Meter
E4OD =Auto Transmission on Pre-'99 Ford Pickups
EEC =Electronic Engine Control
EGT =Exhaust Gas Temperature
EOT =Engine Oil Temperature
FAQs =Frequently Asked Questions
FPR =Fuel Pressure Regulator
FWIW =For What it`s Worth
GM =General Motors
GP =Glow Plug
GPR =Glow Plug Relay
GVWR =Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
HEUI =Hydraulic Actuated Electronic Controlled Unit Injector
HPOP = High Presure Oil Pump
IAT =Intake Air Temperature Sensor
IDM =Injector Drive Module
LMAO =Laugh My Arse Off
IMHO =In My Humble Opinion
IMO =In My Opinion
LB =Long Bed
LOL =Laugh Out Loud
MAF =Mass Air Flow Sensor
MAP =Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
OBS =Old Body Style
OD =Over Drive
OEM =Original Equipment Manufacturer
OTC =Owatonna Tool and Equipment Company
OMG =Oh My Gosh*
PCM =Power train Control Module
PCV =Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PDL =Power Door Locks
PM =Power Mirrors
PS =Power Stroke
PSD =Power Stroke Diesel
PTO =Power Take Off (winch)
PTTTM =Power Telescoping Trailer Tow Mirrors
PW =Power Windows
PWM =Power Window Motor
RC =Regular Cab
ROFL =Rolling On The Floor Laughing
SB =Short Bed
SC =Super Cab (extended cab)
SRW =Single Rear Wheel
TC =Torque Converter or Transfer Case
TPS =Throttle Position Sensor
TSB =Technical Service Bulletin
TTM =Turbo Temp Monitor
VAC =Volts Alternating Current
VDC =Volts Direct Current
VECI =Volts Direct Current
W/E =What Ever
WOT =Wide Open Throttle

Wed, August 10th, 2011, 04:16 PM
Congrats!:thumbs up yellow:

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks! I will definitly look into getting the oil tested to see what is going on inside the engine.
Another question, how do I tell if my truck has powdered metal rods?

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 01:20 PM

If it's the original engine, 99.99999999LMNOP% that it does.

Unless you plan on big power, no need to worry about it.

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 01:24 PM

If it's the original engine, 99.99999999LMNOP% that it does.

Unless you plan on big power, no need to worry about it.

ARe you sure about that? :smiley_roll1::hehe: haha jk,
I dont plan on too much, so I guess I should be ok :D.

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 01:27 PM
If its an 02' its got PMR's.

Buut, if for some reason the motor was changed it could have forged rods.

Check this out------->7.3 Inspection Hole for Powdered Metal Rod Determination (http://dieselinnovations.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=1524)

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Check by engine S/N located on valve cover or on the block where the oil cooler is bolted up...

Start of production through 1425746 are forged rods
1425747 through 1440712 are PMR
1446713 through 1498318 are forged
1498319 through final production are PMR

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 02:16 PM
Sorry, but even the serial number chart is wrong. It's bad information. I have proven it twice.

One engine was supposed to have PMRs...was forged.

One was a disappointment.

The ONLY way to know is to check.

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Well I will just expect them to be PMR's until I get the time to check :D

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 03:48 PM
Sorry, but even the serial number chart is wrong. It's bad information. I have proven it twice.

One engine was supposed to have PMRs...was forged.

One was a disappointment.

The ONLY way to know is to check.

Good info to know...thanks Cody:thumbs up yellow:

Is that the purpose of the inspection port? Or is there anything else to check when having it open? And is there any pre-steps to do before taking the plug out?

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 03:51 PM
AND...is a sure fire thing that you will be able to tell through the inspection hole...or do you have to manually turn the engine? And what is the plug above the inspection port?

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 03:58 PM
You WILL be able to tell through the inspection hole. However, you may need to rotate the engine a little to get a rod cap to line up.

No preparation short of finding/making a 5/16" square drive.

The plug above is coolant....you don't want to take that out.

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 03:59 PM
The plug above the is insp hole is the coolant drain plug

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 07:50 PM
Ok, what's the best way to manually turn the engine? Don't you have to do something to let the pressure out..or does it go out the exhaust valves? So what is the coolant plug for? Would it be any use when draining the coolant?

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 08:41 PM
Ok, what's the best way to manually turn the engine? Don't you have to do something to let the pressure out..or does it go out the exhaust valves? So what is the coolant plug for? Would it be any use when draining the coolant?

Use a breaker bar & socket on the bolt on the crankshaft damper bolt to turn the crank a little, shoot I'd just try to get it by bumping the starter but I've never wanted to know that bad. You are gonna have to put some a$$ into it to turn the crank as you're having to overcome the compression of the engine.

The coolant plug is just for that, draining the coolant out of the block. There is one on the passenger side also.

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 09:19 PM
I can leave the port open when bumping the starter or gotta close it up if it takes a couple of times?

I got plans to do stage II/III injectors, GTP38R, and Adrenaline hpop

Thu, August 11th, 2011, 10:02 PM
I'd leave the plug out & bump the starter. I'm curios tho why even bother ?

Fri, August 12th, 2011, 12:33 AM
Aren't PMRs only rated for a certain HP? 500 IIRC. And doesn't PHP only offer the 140tune on forged rods?

Fri, August 12th, 2011, 04:25 AM
Well the old rule of thumb was 400HP on PMR's. But this limit was set when tuning was not as great as it is now. If you could use a larger nozzle and less timing, you could keep cylinder pressures in check while still making good, safe power.

Stay tuned to Bill's thread, think this might disprove alot of previous assumptions.

Tue, September 27th, 2011, 01:42 AM
So I took some pics of my U-joints a bit ago, i hope they upload here right, can anyone tell me off first look if they should be replaced?

Thanks for the help! :cheesy smile:
My thoughts are that it can't hurt, but if they look like they will be fine then I will spend my money on other things :cheesy smile:

Tue, September 27th, 2011, 09:43 AM
I can't tell by looking at the pics, I've always just grabbed the drive shaft & shake & twist it to feel for any loose motion in the u-joints.

Tue, September 27th, 2011, 12:57 PM
The one on the rear diff looks a bit funny to me.

What is that hanging off of it, the dust seal?

Tue, September 27th, 2011, 06:32 PM
The one on the rear diff looks a bit funny to me.

What is that hanging off of it, the dust seal?

Yeah that it what it is as far as I can tell, I'll try shaking the shafts and see, I am planning on replacing them when I get time, do I need to worry about quality our can I just go to the local auto parts store? Thanks

Tue, September 27th, 2011, 11:45 PM
so good news and bad news, good news: I figured out why my truck had a the vibration... bad news: I figured out that I have a BROKEN U-joint. The dust cover that Dave pointed out is hanging because that is where the joint is broken. I went out and got new u-joints and I am going to install them this weekend... :/ I hope it doesn't take too long, anyone have any ideas on how long it will take to do all 5?

Wed, September 28th, 2011, 01:07 PM
If you have never done them before, should take an hour or two.....but if you have the help of someone who has.....under an hour from start to finish.

Couple tips:

Be sure to mark the shafts before you bang the old joint out, this way it stays balanced.
Grease zerks always point towards the driveline.
Pay very close attention when installing the caps, one needle bearing that "falls down" will ruin your day.
Be sure to "burp" the joint if they are tight after installing the clips. This is done by striking the driveline near the joint with a hammer. They should move freely without any tight spots.
When greasing the newly installed joints, make sure grease comes out of every cap.
Patience, patience, patience.

Good Luck!

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 12:17 AM
so I got the rear driveshaft and u-joints taken out, and all put back in, and there are no more vibrations! the problem is that the front driveshaft has a weird u-joint that I can't really do anything with... :/ The workers at the shop said to bring it to a driveline specialist to get the 2 joints replaced.
The good news is that my u-joint wasnt "broken" it just wasn't greased for idk how long... :(. Here is a picture :)
It is a good thing i replaced that one, at least I think so, I just want to get the last 2 done without any more trouble... :/.
Well I am going to get my phoenix now that I know my u-joints can handle it. I am also going to grease up everything I can in my truck so I won't have to worry about it again :D.

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 01:19 AM
Good job!

I am surprised that joint went out again, it has been changed at least once already. The factory joints seem to last a long time.

How many miles were on the truck?

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 03:11 AM
Yeah i was wondering about those joints... but i don't think it matters how new they are if they run out of grease... lol :D
and it has 173k miles... so I guess the originals should have been greased more often as well...

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 01:43 PM
I believe the originals didn't have grease fittings, so like Dave said that one was replaced at some point. What does the front drive shaft have a double cardigan joint in it ?
If the fronts are still good remember the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't f with it" or I guess you could use the other saying "if it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is"
personally I like the first saying....lol

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 02:01 PM
Yeah most of the joints haven't had grease fittings, and I agree that it it ain't broke don't fix it, but I already took it out and halfway apart before I realized that I couldn't finish it, so I'm kinda out of luck lol :(

Thu, September 29th, 2011, 08:51 PM
sounds like you have my luck...lol
does it have a double cardigan on the front drive shaft ?
at least you shouldn't have to worry with u-joints for quite some time

Wed, December 7th, 2011, 03:53 PM
I just saw this thread again, lol, yes it has the funny double cardigan joint. I got it replaced at a shop and I have the phoenix installed and it works great! :D, I just need a new battery now :(. any thoughts on replacing the battery? should I do just the bad one, or is it recommended to do both?

Wed, December 7th, 2011, 08:56 PM
Change both, and use Motorcraft battery's.

You'll thank me later.

Thu, December 8th, 2011, 12:04 AM
Do I have to wait? :hehe: I just am not excited about spending more than $200 at once :(. They seem to work well for now, so I think that I will wait til I move to texas in a month.