still runs
Thu, November 17th, 2011, 04:25 AM
has any one seen used touched or bought the oil cooler delete from bullet proof diesel or Innovative Diesel Performance lets get some feed back on these units if you all have any ive also started a new tread on the .org about this also :thumbs up yellow:
Mon, November 28th, 2011, 11:46 AM
Let's be real about this.
1) Lack of coolant maintenance causes oil cooler failures.
2) Yes...the overall design of the OEM oil cooler could be better.
3) Fluid-to-fluid coolers are MUCH more efficient than air-to-fluid coolers.
4) The cost of the delete kits are more than most are willing to bear.
IMO it's something to sell. The kits are quality but not cheap. No real gain for the overall cost you spend. Since you have to remove the OEM cooler why not just put an OEM cooler back in at cheaper cost??
I will not be using an oil cooler delete kit on my 2006 with 185k@4000 hours.