View Full Version : FICM tuning after re-solder and rollback

Thu, April 12th, 2012, 05:33 PM
I am looking into having the FICM done at FICMrepair.com and putting on the atlas 40 tune.
I currently have the VXCF9C4 ecm strategy and the TQCK0CX tcm
Are these good strategies or should a rollback be done??or is the atlas 40 good enough??
I am going to do an egr delete this summer can the CEL be solved with the above tuning?
I hardly tow....maybe a handfull of times ~4500 lbs is the atlas 80 too much?
I am also planning studs this summer.

I am using an edge CTS programmer to montior the engine and dont run any "levels" on it. Is this something I can send in to have some tunes put into it? or should I sell and go with a different tuner (using PHP tunes)

Thanks for the time and help

Sat, April 14th, 2012, 12:26 AM
my $.02

I would go with the Atlas 40, roll back to VXCF4 and get custom tunes without EGR loaded into the CTS. To take care of the CEL you will get, after the delete.

Sun, April 22nd, 2012, 10:47 AM
That is what I was thinking ....just needed to see if it was the right direction
