View Full Version : Blue Angels airshow

Sun, April 5th, 2009, 11:38 PM
Well just thought I would post a few pics of the air show that I went to this weekend. It was a pretty awesome show with all the planes that were brought in. Approximately over 100,000 people showed up, so traffic sucked :cursin: 10 miles= 1 hour :cursin: So heres a few pics of the blue angels.


Mon, April 6th, 2009, 02:05 AM
Nice pictures, JWB! Looks like the weather was perfect!

Janet's oldest Son is a Herky pilot - (the plane in the first picture you posted). But, he flew some on skis down into Antarctica for a while! That's even more impressive to me than the low pass in the picture.

And, I have to admit, the Blue Angles put on a better airshow than the Thunderbirds. Hurts me to say it, but, I've got to acknowledge it.

- Jack

Mon, April 6th, 2009, 02:29 AM
Yea the weather was great for it, about 70 degrees and sunny. But they was susposed to have it again today an of course it started raining this morning.

I have never seen a thunderbird show, but this one was a pretty good one. They had a couple of the A10 thunderbolt II out there, F/A super hornet demo, B-52, KC-135 tanker, and the list goes on and on.

Mon, April 6th, 2009, 01:39 PM
Yea the weather was great for it, about 70 degrees and sunny. But they was susposed to have it again today an of course it started raining this morning.

I have never seen a thunderbird show, but this one was a pretty good one. They had a couple of the A10 thunderbolt II out there, F/A super hornet demo, B-52, KC-135 tanker, and the list goes on and on.

Here in Tucson, they have "Aerospace In Arizona Days" at DM AFB. They always have two or three "private" stunt pilots with their little aerobatic planes in addition to the Thunderbirds or Blue Angles (when they can get them). I've got to tell you, those stunt pilots do things that almost make me sick to watch! Having flown for 4500+ hours, I'm very aware of the G-loads that certain maneuvers put on you and I frankly don't see how they can stand what they do. Things like repeated snap rolls, spins and inverted loops are just "eye watering"! By the time the Thunderbirds or Blue Angles perform (always the last "act"), their show looks pretty "ho hum" by comparison!

- Jack

Mon, April 6th, 2009, 11:49 PM
I really wish I could have gone to one of the shows but being out of town and the bad weather Sunday I didn't get a chance. It was interesting having them fly over my school Thursday and thinking the building was about to fall down.:cool_beans:

Tue, April 7th, 2009, 10:31 AM
Nice pics!
Glad to hear the rain held off for the most part.
The angles are a good show but my all time favs are the prop single wing teams(old school). Like Jack commented on in his post. Those guys are nuts and are gluttens for punishment. We go to Oshkosh next year to take in the air show. The air guard here is having one this summer.


Tue, April 7th, 2009, 02:36 PM
Back in my AF days I was a crew chief on the F-16. I got to crew #6 T-Bird at a show here at Luke. Ah the good times. One thing I can say is there is no feeling like being on the trim pad, with one bolted down, standing next to it in stage 5 burner. I also had the fastest ICT on a 16, 23 minutes from chauk in to chauk out. One thing that helped was the jammer didn't jam.

Tue, April 7th, 2009, 06:55 PM
Back in my AF days I was a crew chief on the F-16. I got to crew #6 T-Bird at a show here at Luke. Ah the good times. One thing I can say is there is no feeling like being on the trim pad, with one bolted down, standing next to it in stage 5 burner. I also had the fastest ICT on a 16, 23 minutes from chauk in to chauk out. One thing that helped was the jammer didn't jam.

That's got to vibrate your entire gut, doesn't it? (Kinda makes the "boomy" bass speakers some people put in their cars seem like "toys", eh?) :hehe:

- Jack

Tue, April 7th, 2009, 11:08 PM
You cant focus on anything. I tried to stare at a building and it was moving.:eek:

Wed, April 8th, 2009, 02:20 PM
Nothing beats launching an EA6B Prowler off the cat. Standing a couple feet from the exhuast. Feels like your head is going to cave in. Oh and the exhaust... I love the smell.:cool_beans: