View Full Version : Hydra chip stalling truck

Sun, May 16th, 2021, 08:45 AM
1997 Ford 7.3 Powerstroke - Pretty nuch stock engine (Cali model) with the Hydra. It had been running great for a few months, then a few weeks ago Truck died on me while driving. I was able to get it to the stock position and the truck ran again. Happened again yesterday while driving and switching tunes on the Hydra. Engine literally quit and I had to manhandle it it coast into a parking lot. Switched the tuner back to stock and it started again. Any ideas?

Power Hungry
Mon, May 17th, 2021, 09:58 AM
1997 Ford 7.3 Powerstroke - Pretty nuch stock engine (Cali model) with the Hydra. It had been running great for a few months, then a few weeks ago Truck died on me while driving. I was able to get it to the stock position and the truck ran again. Happened again yesterday while driving and switching tunes on the Hydra. Engine literally quit and I had to manhandle it it coast into a parking lot. Switched the tuner back to stock and it started again. Any ideas?

I'm sorry to hear that you're having an issue. Hopefully it's a simple fix.

In nearly every case of a vehicle cutting out while driving, there is ultimately a connection issue between the chip and the PCM. It could be from over-cleaning or under-cleaning the PCM connector causing an issue, or there could be a vibration that causes the chip to wiggle a little and lose contact.

I would suggest:

Disconnect the PCM Connector to kill power to the PCM
Removing the parking brake assembly
Remove the chip from the PCM
Take a piece of Scotch Brite and lightly buff the contacts on both sides
Wipe contacts with alcohol and a paper towel
Blow out the connector on the chip just to make sure there's no silicone in there
Reinstall the chip in the PCM
Rock the exposed part of the chip back and forth slightly (in this case, left and right) to help seat the contacts
Use vinyl duct tape to fasten the chip to the PCM (this prevents vibration)
Reattach the parking brake assembly
Make sure that all cables are routed smoothly and not pinched anywhere
Reconnect the PCM connector

This should most likely clear up any issue you are having with the stalling.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.