View Full Version : After only 10 years...

Power Hungry
Fri, October 8th, 2021, 12:56 PM
I've finally got a completed version of the Minotaur User's Guide!

If you're using Minotaur, you'll want to check it out as it has new features and shortcuts, especially when creating your own custom definitions.

You can download the User's Guide from here:



Fri, October 8th, 2021, 11:47 PM
What a read!

You made it a point to thank us (your friends, customers, and family) but we thank YOU for being a friend who genuinely cares about his passions and makes sure we have what we need.

Good thing you understand this stuff. I read chapter 8 a few times and I still feel :disbelief:

Thanks for taking the time to continually develop a product that is easy for dummies like me to use that makes me and many of my free-tunes "customers" happy!