View Full Version : Whisper mode problems

Fri, March 25th, 2022, 01:02 AM
Hey guys! I have a manual 1995 f250 with a PHP hydra chip I love the chip but when ever I try to use whisper mode the truck lopes and hazes out the truck 95% of the time some times it well work with a tiny haze of smoke. What is my problem where do I start? I cleaned the pcm connection twice now and redownloaded tunes to see if it would help but didn't.

Power Hungry
Fri, March 25th, 2022, 01:11 PM
Which calibration are you running? VCAB0_02? VDAB0_02? Or something else?

Mon, March 28th, 2022, 06:53 PM
Where would I find that? Do I gotta pull chip and put it on my laptop?

Power Hungry
Tue, March 29th, 2022, 02:01 PM
If you aren't sure, then yes... You'd probably have to pull the chip.

Are you running our canned tunes, or are they tunes from someone else? If they are our tunes, the filenames will begin with the calibration code and then the tune settings. For example:

VCAB0_02_100P = VCAB0_02 - 100 HP Performance
VCAB0_02_0WM = VCAB0_02 - 0 HP Whisper Mode

and so on.

I need the first part of the filename which is the calibration. Then I can go back and look at that specific tune and see if there's something I can address.

In general, the whisper mode tunes retard the timing about 8 degrees while dropping idle down to 525 RPM. If the engine is not fully warmed up, this can result in quite a bit of white smoke due to the retarded timing. I try to keep the smoke to a minimum, but engine condition and cylinder compression can make a big difference in just how much fuel gets through. Higher mileage engines exaggerate this problem and sometimes it's just not feasible to use this particular tune due to the amount of wear in the engine.

Also, the longer the engine idles at low RPM, the cooler the cylinders get. So the engine may not exhibit any having at first, but the longer you stay in low idle, the more haze you will develop.

Whisper Mode was never meant as a long-term means to quiet the idle. It's just to try to help quiet things down when going through a drive-thru or something like that.

I hope this is helpful.