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Corey Cohron RIP Fri, April 3rd, 2009 11:14 AM

Dear Old Customers, New Customers, and Potential Customers,

If you have tried to call us lately, you already know that it’s becoming increasingly harder to get in touch with us during our normal business hours. This is because our phones do not stop ringing between noon and 7PM – things quiet down a bit between 7PM and 9PM. http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...lies/phone.gif We receive a minimum of 100 e-mails daily, so it’s even difficult for us to answer all of them, our PMs, and posts every day! http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...lies/puter.gif

In addition, some of our F-150 Gryphon customers have had to wait far longer than what we think is acceptable for their custom tunes.

Have we thought about hiring someone to answer the phones and address e-mails? You bet! The problem with that solution is that most people prefer to speak directly to Bill -- or even me -- so that essentially defeats the purpose of hiring someone at this point. http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...lies/shrug.gif

And why is this happening? It’s very simple, actually. There are two reasons. First, we are very blessed that Power Hungry Performance is a booming business! http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...ies/woohoo.gif We are at a point where we are receiving more orders each day than we are able to fulfill immediately (definitely not a bad problem to have!). Second, for those of you who don’t know… Bill does far more than write calibrations for chips and/or programmers. What many people don’t know is that he is also a hardware and software engineer; he writes all of our firmware and software and is the key developer for many of our products. In addition to development work, he tunes Ford diesels and gassers and reprograms FICMs and PCMs just about every day. Due to his extensive experience in the performance industry, Bill is also often consulted on various project trucks and is subcontracted by Edge to handle their Ford calibrations and to work on specific projects for them. As you can see, he’s a very busy guy. http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...ilies/busy.gif

We’ve been telling friends lately that we just need more hours in the day, and we have made a drastic decision which will allow us to provide better service to our customers.

As of April 2009, Power Hungry Performance will be closed to phone calls during the third full business week of every month. To compensate, we will NOT be closed to phone calls on Fridays anymore. We will also try to schedule live tuning events during the third full business week of the month for the convenience of our customers.

We are very aware that most of our customers prefer to speak with us before ordering, and we want to keep this opportunity available to them, which is why we will continue to keep our phones open until 9PM. Other tasks, however, are obviously limited during the time that we are on the phone. Closing the phones for one week of each month will allow us to focus on returning e-mails, PMs, posts, and phone calls and to work on custom tunes in a much more timely manner. In essence, it will provide us with more hours to do everything we can’t do when we’re on the phone each day.

During the week we are closed, business will still operate as usual! We will accept, process, and ship orders and be available for questions. However, those questions will be limited to e-mail, PMs, and posts. Our forum is also a wonderful tool for getting answers to basic questions, and we are so grateful to have incredible members who are willing to jump in and help when someone is in need! As always, if you have a disabled vehicle, you may post in the forum's Emergency Section or leave a message at 678-517-3849; we will get in touch with you as soon as we can.

Our office closures will be announced on our website and on the PHP Forum’s Calendar but for your convenience, they will be:

April 20-24
May 18-22
June 15-19
July 20-24
August 17-21
September 21-25
October 19-23
November 16-20
December – TBA

We have also disabled call waiting and added an additional business line to help you get in touch with us during regular business hours. Now, your call will automatically be forwarded to Line 2 if Line 1 is busy. If you call and get an immediate Voicemail message, that is because both lines are busy or because only one of us is in the office and we have forwarded a busy Line 1 over to Voicemail.

http://dygytalworld.ehost-services13...youflowers.gif Thank you so much for your support as we muddle through these “growing pains.”

Bill and Corey

Afrancis Fri, April 3rd, 2009 11:46 AM

Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Of course people will complain about it at first. But when they start seeing people say how much quicker they are getting there custom tunes and such then before, they will hopefully understand the decision.

88Racing Fri, April 3rd, 2009 12:38 PM

Ah, Growing Pains!

Sounds good to me!


DarrenWS6 Fri, April 3rd, 2009 01:08 PM

Hope all goes well and great to hear business is great! Congrats.

JWBFX4 Fri, April 3rd, 2009 02:06 PM

Glad the business is doing good, and sounds like a good plan.

Jackpine Fri, April 3rd, 2009 06:25 PM

Nice post, Corey! We ALL knew something had to give. And, we know you do this because you DO put us first! :bow:

Here's my "long term" solution: Feed that young man Wil a bunch of growth hormones. Have him sleep at night with headphones on with Bill's voice teaching him everything he needs to know to become the fantastic tuner his Dad is. Before you know it, he'll be all grown up and ready to take his place as a partner in the business! (Of course there IS a downside - you'll have to feed him something else so his thoughts won't stray to the opposite sex as he matures. Wouldn't do to have him meet a sweet young thing and leave home!) :giggle:

- Jack

SinCityFX4 Sat, April 4th, 2009 11:39 PM

Sounds like a good battle plan:2thumbs:

Glad to see PHP is doing good.:cool_beans:

kokopellimotorsports Sun, April 5th, 2009 09:09 PM

Congrats on the growth. Sounds like a good plan.


gregk63 Thu, April 9th, 2009 06:41 PM

This all sounds good and it's great to hear that PHP is growing, especially in this economy, but to me it still seems like Bill needs to hire some help on the technical end; not to answer phones. If you are growing and don't increase your workforce, then shifting man-hours is just going to show up as minus hours somewhere else. Myself, I would find it hard to ask a customer to pay $370+ for a tuner and then have him wait 2.5 months for his custom tunes, which is how long I have been waiting.
I know I'm not the only one thats wondering where you all are on getting out the custom tunes to your customers. I have read many threads asking this. I hope this thread doesn't impact my waiting time, just my thoughts and opinion. We'll see.

SinCityFX4 Thu, April 9th, 2009 07:03 PM

Easy dude
Well I got the email from Corey today that mine were ready.:happy-dancing:

I doubt I will have time today to do up the software and download the tunes but tomorrow for sure:2thumbs:

As for the above post....Bill hiring someone else on the technical end would not be Bill tuning your truck:shrug:
As for the wait time??? Try Troyer where it is more like 5-6 months and the customer service is nothing compared to dealings with Bill and Corey. My wait time was about 3 months for Bill...I am sure it was worth the wait.

I went with PHP due to Bills experience and reputation, their presence of mind on the several forums I visit and their business ethics. And suggesting that it might take longer after you posting that is just rude :thumbsdwn:

There are tons of tuners out there that will have your "custom tunes" to you in a few days.....good luck with that:skeptic::nonod:

soutthpaw Thu, April 9th, 2009 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by gregk63 (Post 7495)
This all sounds good and it's great to hear that PHP is growing, especially in this economy, but to me it still seems like Bill needs to hire some help on the technical end; not to answer phones. If you are growing and don't increase your workforce, then shifting man-hours is just going to show up as minus hours somewhere else. Myself, I would find it hard to ask a customer to pay $370+ for a tuner and then have him wait 2.5 months for his custom tunes, which is how long I have been waiting.
I know I'm not the only one thats wondering where you all are on getting out the custom tunes to your customers. I have read many threads asking this. I hope this thread doesn't impact my waiting time, just my thoughts and opinion. We'll see.

Well you could go to a live tuning day and get it done right then and there, plus it would be even better than regular custom tunes. As for Canned tunes I would say that is a long wait. Custom stuff when only one guy has the knowledge to do the custom stuff you are gonna have to go in order... best bet is to PM Corey for a status update...

I know in this modern world of instant gratification we are not used to waiting for stuff... Myself included.

If you didn't want Bill to do the custom tunes you could probably get yr tuning done at one of PHP's dealers.
Pretty much anyone that is as versed as Bill in the custom tuning arena is already setup in their own tuning Business or already a dealer for one of the custom tuners... On the flip side it may be possible to find someone that can do the programming of the Canned tunes and free up some of Bill's time... I kind of think thats where the Frickin' Unreal chip idea is going. With canned tunes there wouldn't be a need for him to program each one I guess as you just download what you want when you get the Chip.... Not sure if it would work the same with Gryphon. Plus he is trying to get the server software up and online. If you know how time consuming software programming is I can see that taking a lot of his time at the moment... I don't even think I have seen him post on the forums in a week he's that busy....

Corey Cohron RIP Thu, April 9th, 2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by gregk63 (Post 7495)
This all sounds good and it's great to hear that PHP is growing, especially in this economy, but to me it still seems like Bill needs to hire some help on the technical end; not to answer phones. If you are growing and don't increase your workforce, then shifting man-hours is just going to show up as minus hours somewhere else. Myself, I would find it hard to ask a customer to pay $370+ for a tuner and then have him wait 2.5 months for his custom tunes, which is how long I have been waiting.
I know I'm not the only one thats wondering where you all are on getting out the custom tunes to your customers. I have read many threads asking this. I hope this thread doesn't impact my waiting time, just my thoughts and opinion. We'll see.

Greg, your post didn't impact your waiting time for the worse or for the better. That would be unfair in either direction! I e-mailed 11 customers today the first week of January to about the 20th to let them know that Bill finished their tunes last night. You should be coming up fairly soon. :thumbs up yellow:

Jackpine Thu, April 9th, 2009 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by gregk63 (Post 7495)
This all sounds good and it's great to hear that PHP is growing, especially in this economy, but to me it still seems like Bill needs to hire some help on the technical end; not to answer phones. If you are growing and don't increase your workforce, then shifting man-hours is just going to show up as minus hours somewhere else. Myself, I would find it hard to ask a customer to pay $370+ for a tuner and then have him wait 2.5 months for his custom tunes, which is how long I have been waiting.
I know I'm not the only one thats wondering where you all are on getting out the custom tunes to your customers. I have read many threads asking this. I hope this thread doesn't impact my waiting time, just my thoughts and opinion. We'll see.

Greg, it all boils down to, "Who do you want to tune your truck?", doesn't it? I'm absolutely certain there are a whole bunch of hackers out there who could put code into a Gryphon that would do .... what?

Unless Bill can get someone he trusts, why should we have more trust? Have you got someone in mind you could recommend to Bill to help with this backlog? Someone you'd be happy to have tune YOUR truck? If you do, just let that person hack into your Gryphon and, it's a done deal!

Clearly, people are getting impatient, and I really don't blame them. But, if you want "fast food", go to Mickey D's! The good stuff takes longer.

Notice Corey said you are coming up soon!

When you get your tunes, we'd like to hear from you again - pro or con.

- Jack

88Racing Thu, April 9th, 2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by gregk63 (Post 7495)
This all sounds good and it's great to hear that PHP is growing, especially in this economy, but to me it still seems like Bill needs to hire some help on the technical end; not to answer phones. If you are growing and don't increase your workforce, then shifting man-hours is just going to show up as minus hours somewhere else. Myself, I would find it hard to ask a customer to pay $370+ for a tuner and then have him wait 2.5 months for his custom tunes, which is how long I have been waiting.
I know I'm not the only one thats wondering where you all are on getting out the custom tunes to your customers. I have read many threads asking this. I hope this thread doesn't impact my waiting time, just my thoughts and opinion. We'll see.

The only thing Corey was trying to convey in the "latest news" section was a thread about their newest business strategy. Bill and Corey are constantly trying new things to improve their platform as their bussiness grows. We are lucky! They communicate with us for the most part.

Has any one here ever gotten a custom tuned exhaust done by a master tubing bender?
It sounds so good! But it may take a day a week or a month before he comes up with that perfect sound. That exhaust job might even cost 3 times the one from a warehouse but it's worth it and sounds/performs better.

They could be like other companies and sit behind their computers producing generic copy cat products to the masses. All for the need of instant gratification.


pullmeoverred Fri, April 10th, 2009 02:21 AM

Good example with the exhaust, mine to about 7.5 hours and was completely eye-balled costing almost 700. Point being, you get what you pay for, and good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to order my Gryphon! I just hope I don't crack in anticipation before I get the custom tunes for it!

jaybuller Fri, April 10th, 2009 09:49 PM

waitng is so worth it
:woot:HAhha i know what you giys are goin through waiting.....:cheesy smile:.. i am waiting also, its worth the wait, from what ive been told hes the apsolute best...you want the best youll wait, but we all get to wandering where were at with the tunes, i know im guilty myself of sending emails and pms just asking if mines done..kind of just like when we were younger in the long car ride asking "are we there yet".. Cant do much about it though cause Bill is so dadgum good and his rep is so good there so many of you jackbobs orderin tunes from him its slowin mine down..i got an idea how bout everyone else just not order anything for a while and let Bill get some free time for me:hehe:

BTW these faces are so cool :happy-dancing:

88Racing Fri, April 10th, 2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by jaybuller (Post 7572)
:woot:HAhha i know what you giys are goin through waiting.....:cheesy smile:.. i am waiting also, its worth the wait, from what ive been told hes the apsolute best...you want the best youll wait, but we all get to wandering where were at with the tunes, i know im guilty myself of sending emails and pms just asking if mines done..kind of just like when we were younger in the long car ride asking "are we there yet".. Cant do much about it though cause Bill is so dadgum good and his rep is so good there so many of you jackbobs orderin tunes from him its slowin mine down..i got an idea how bout everyone else just not order anything for a while and let Bill get some free time for me:hehe:

BTW these faces are so cool :happy-dancing:

Wish more people had your patience! and sense of humor!
The funny thing is that the ones who start the fires are taking away from Corey and Bill's working time on processing orders and building tunes. The bigger a fire someone makes means the more time to put it out.


jerry edwards Sun, April 12th, 2009 12:07 AM

Bill and Corry
It's great to see how your busisness is growing so well.Your ideals sound like they are going to work out.Good Luck,and Happy Easter!:D

Afrancis Thu, April 23rd, 2009 09:44 AM

How did it go?
Since you guys are going out of town tomorrow, thought I would ask now. Just curious on how your first full week went with this new plan? Did you get as much, or more done then you thought you would? Have a safe trip this weekend, and have fun.

dplummer87 Thu, April 23rd, 2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Afrancis (Post 8199)
Since you guys are going out of town tomorrow, thought I would ask now. Just curious on how your first full week went with this new plan? Did you get as much, or more done then you thought you would? Have a safe trip this weekend, and have fun.

Good thought, hope it worked out as planned...I am all to familiar with how hard it is to get work done when the phones ring off the hook! (we have 5 lines at our family business :control::hammer::whatthe:

(On a side note; you need a stressed phone call answering smiley guy :thumbs up yellow:)

Power Hungry Thu, April 23rd, 2009 02:53 PM

It actually worked quite well. Corey wasn't feeling well for day or two (pulled some muscles in her neck on Monday... :ouch: ) so things got a little hectic for a day or two. Overall though, I think it seems like a good plan. Most folks have been quite understanding about the closure and we were able to get most folks taken care of reasonably quickly. In fact, many folks said they could wait until the following week for us to answer questions.

I must admit that while the phones can be a bit of a burden at times, it's that one to one relationship with the customer that we really enjoy and I think that's what people like about us. :2thumbs:

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

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