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Corey Cohron RIP Wed, July 1st, 2009 12:56 PM

Whatcha doin' for the 4th?
We actually have some really cool plans for July 4th. In our neighborhood, there is a family who is very well off, and they have a huge house, a huge yard, and a pool. These people are just so wonderful, and they share their blessings with everyone. (You can't even IMAGINE what they do at Christmas!)

Well, for July 4th, they have invited everyone in our subdivision to come over for an all-day party -- lots of food, fun, and swimming. They usually shoot off THOUSANDS of dollars worth of fireworks as soon as it gets dark. The very coolest part? Bill will be :1dj:ing all day! For those of you who don't know, Bill is VERY into music, and half of my living room is taken up by eight speakers, two turntables, and all the other stuff he has -- equalizers... amplifiers... He's just thrilled to be able to DJ all day, and it'll be nice to be out of the office for a change of scenery. :2thumbs:

Anyone else doing anything special?

average-joe Wed, July 1st, 2009 01:18 PM

Shooting Groundhogs for the day:drool2:

88Racing Wed, July 1st, 2009 01:20 PM

No big plans!
I'm on call!
House sitting for the neighbor and taking care of their pets.
If I wasn't on call I had permission to take their boat but that's not happening!)-:
Just going to go to a nieghboring town for their big parade/car show/rides.
Shoot off a "few" hundred dollars worth of fireworks.
Oh yah going to grill and go swimming! Maybe take the HD out also.
Hopefully it will be cool and safe this year!
Happy Independence Day Everyone!


lbjailer Wed, July 1st, 2009 01:22 PM

Babysitting my dog because fireworks and knuckleheads shooting off their guns freaks him out, got sedatives for him, calms him down a little but he is still whacked out scared. One of the joys of living in a Gang infested City.

BlackSTX Wed, July 1st, 2009 06:25 PM

lbjailer- Sorry to hear about the dog. I know how that is though, my sis had a brittany like that. Poor thing once crawled into the kitchen cabinet, under the sink to get away from the noise.

Not too sure what our plans are. There's several places around here doing fireworks, but we'll probably spend it home. I'll probably grille some brats and have a couple cold Canadian beers waiting for some goofball in the neighborhood to blow their hand off.
Since my inlaws are coming in from FL next week it may be my last chance for a month to enjoy peace and quiet.

average-joe Wed, July 1st, 2009 06:59 PM

Move to Nj it's no fireworks state.

Caforddude Wed, July 1st, 2009 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Groovy Chick (Post 11378)
Bill will be :1dj:ing all day! For those of you who don't know, Bill is VERY into music,

So Bill spends the workweek spinning up trucks and the weekends spinning the wax huh...Cool

BlackSTX Wed, July 1st, 2009 07:32 PM

Sad thing is, we live in NY, fireworks are illegal and have been since the 70's. It doesn't seem to matter in some towns, in fact, friend who grew up down the street from me used to have a policeman from town bring the fireworks to their party.

Corey Cohron RIP Wed, July 1st, 2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Caforddude (Post 11407)
So Bill spends the workweek spinning up trucks and the weekends spinning the wax huh...Cool

:yesnod: When he's feeling very stressed, he goes into the living room and DJs. The boys LOVE it! He likes to make the entire house shake (we even had the cops here one night :yikes2:). He even broke the lightbulb in the overhead fixture one time due to the enormous amount of bass. :doh:

Jackpine Wed, July 1st, 2009 08:14 PM

Nothing like a peaceful life! :hehe:

We'll be driving up to a little town on Mt Lemmon (about 8500 ft) to join with some friends up there who have a cabin and participate in the Summerhaven 4th of July parade. It's a real old time, small town parade, and folks sit out in lawn chairs on the road through town to see the "big event". Our friends lead a mandolin band in the parade (there are several very good folk musicians in the group) and it's a whole lot of fun. My Scottish group's pipe band even comes up and marches in the parade. Before and after the parade, the musicians are out on the deck "jamming", so it's a great way to spend the 4th.

That evening, we're going to another friend's home to celebrate her birthday. (It's not on the 4th, but it's close enough). We'll be fairly near "A Mountain" where they have an annual fireworks display, so we'll have a good seat for that too.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th.

- Jack

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