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soutthpaw Tue, April 28th, 2009 01:40 PM

How bad does a Political Party have to screw up before...
a 29 year Senate Republican decides to jump ship to the Democratic Party:woot:
We are not talking a junior senator here but one of most senior members of the senate and champion of the Republican agenda.... God I love this:smiley_roll1:
Limbaugh and the other Ultra Right are going to have a field day with this... However I have to make a point that so many republicans are missing... Limbaugh is NOT in political office.. He is a media personality and gets paid to be controversial!! Talk is cheap and there is a big difference to talk smack and actually do something about the problems. As for any Joe the Plumber or other average American that thinks Rush is in touch with your personal situation and needs, you must have missed the article in Parade magazine showing Rush made $38 MILLION last year... He has no idea what it is to live paycheck to paycheck.. not be able to get healthcare for yourself or your family, Being unemployed or any of the other issues confronting so many people today :evillol:

If there was a big STIRRING THE POT smiley it would be posted here

Jackpine Tue, April 28th, 2009 01:55 PM

Pretty amazing, isn't it? I can just see the reaction from most of the ultra-right wing nuts that live in the Springs area over this. :hehe: Every time I went up there to visit my Mother, she'd have "talk radio" on and, of course she subscribed to the local paper (Rocky Mountain News?). I thought I'd been transported to another planet.

Good old Rush. He DOES get paid pretty well for stirring the pot, doesn't he?

Wonder how you or I could get a job like that?

- Jack

soutthpaw Tue, April 28th, 2009 02:27 PM

It would be funny if when he retires, he comes out and says he is a Left winger and didn't believe anything he said on his show but Hey it made me $38 million a year so why the HeII not.. :smiley_roll1:

ChuckD Tue, April 28th, 2009 03:36 PM

29 years is too long to be in the Senate. Term limits need to be set. Pretty much every other office has them.

Jackpine Tue, April 28th, 2009 05:26 PM

You may be right on this Chuck, but Arlen Specter always struck me as one of the "good ones". I was stationed in Pennsylvania for three years and liked him then. I've liked his stance on the problems in the Justice Department and other matters relating to legal issues.

His switch will give the Democrats enormous power. This is a time when they can show leadership and make some changes for the better.

- Jack

88Racing Tue, April 28th, 2009 06:02 PM

It's only for the "good" of his constituants!:whistle1:
Yah right, time to hop on the democratic wagon. They have the power! They are organized! Time to get off the sinking elephant!

Rush? He's just worried that talk radio is going to be cencered!

Just what I see and hear!


Jackpine Tue, April 28th, 2009 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by 88Racing (Post 8528)
It's only for the "good" of his constituants!:whistle1:
Yah right, time to hop on the democratic wagon. They have the power! They are organized! Time to get off the sinking elephant!

Rush? He's just worried that talk radio is going to be cencered!

Just what I see and hear!


If true, this has got to be the FIRST time in the history of the party that they are "organized". Mostly, they tend to self-destruct from in-fighting with each other. :shrug:

They have a chance, let's see what they do with it.

- Jack

soutthpaw Wed, December 2nd, 2009 10:42 PM

Health care
Digging up an old thread rather than starting anew. It is really bothering me that many news organizations and political reporters are repeatedly saying that the republicans are going to vote against the health care reform in an effort to deliver a crushing blow to the democratic president... what bothers me is that these politicians are not acting in the interest of their constituents and doing what is best for the country and the people they represent. Instead they are playing the politics as usual... So instead of making an honest bipartisan effort or at least a good effort to craft a health care bill that benefits millions of Americans, they are gonna try and kill it for political gain... Health care is a right not a privilege.... Health care saves, improves and prolongs LIFE. A healthy life is directly related to a happier one, SOOOOO... does this ring any bells???????
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
Health care is a right guaranteed to all Americans by the Declaration of Independence...
Therefore, (using Republican Logic); to oppose legislation that would provide health care to all Americans is downright UN-American.. Certainly it goes against the values our Founding Fathers intended:soapbox::soapbox:

Also how can the party that claims to be the champion of small business oppose legislation that would solve about 60% of small business bankruptcies??? (about 60% are a result of health related causes)

Hypocrisy is definitely my Pet Peeve... wherever that thread is hiding...

88Racing Wed, December 2nd, 2009 11:11 PM

That health care bill brings up many a debate.
Especially the things that they are trying to hide within it.
Part of the bill may shut the doors on 20% of the nations nursing homes due to the restructuring of payouts that they receive from Uncle Sam.
All coming at a time when the Baby Boomers going to start to need the use of them.
I want a new party! Sick and tired of the shiesters on both sides of the fence!

soutthpaw Thu, December 3rd, 2009 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by 88Racing (Post 18814)
That health care bill brings up many a debate.
Especially the things that they are trying to hide within it.
Part of the bill may shut the doors on 20% of the nations nursing homes due to the restructuring of payouts that they receive from Uncle Sam.
All coming at a time when the Baby Boomers going to start to need the use of them.
I want a new party! Sick and tired of the shiesters on both sides of the fence!

I think it was Thomas Jefferson or G Washington that actually spoke out against forming political parties.... I am registered independant. I was even registered reform party years ago just cuz i loved Ross Perot's idea of breaking up the 2 party domination. if we had 3 major parties then they would have to work together to get anything done.. then Karma would definitely play a big role . That or nothing would get done with 3 parties. not much different than now....:doh: trouble with government they just keep jaming in more and more BS to F up the bills. Look at the Stimulus and rescue bills. they started out at 17 pages or something and ended up bewing like 1000....

we are also like the only country with the republican right. most other countries far right is like our moderate Left

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