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907DAVE Mon, April 26th, 2010 10:36 PM

Whats the deal with changing scaling values?

Here is my 3-4 shift over stock, when the pointer is at the 500 A/D counts the stock shows as 300 A/D. :shrug:


I have more questions about this with my ICP map, but we will start here.

907DAVE Mon, April 26th, 2010 10:40 PM

Guess I could add this too..........


cleatus12r Tue, April 27th, 2010 09:46 AM

I guess I don't understand what you're asking.

Each "pointer" or dot has to represent a real value. You have ten of them to play with and each one of them has to corellate to something. For example, based on the "shape" of your graph there, I could also make the truck shift very similar to stock just by doing this:


907DAVE Tue, April 27th, 2010 10:44 AM

I understand what you are saying..............maybe I was just expecting a different result.

F-127 Tue, April 27th, 2010 10:58 AM

When you're comparing functions, seems like the software will compare based upon the pointer value. Like Cody said, you've got a few to work with, and stock tunes don't always use them all. They are not necessarily a point of equal throttle position or MPH in this case. Comparing point 6 stock to point 6(your tune) isn't really a fair comparison being both X and Y are different. Comparing point 6 stock to point 4 would be OK, but you're not going to see it on the bottom of the screen. If you want to compare your point 6 to stock you could draw a vertical or horizontal line. Looks like at 500 A/D it the stock shift was about 2.5 MPH lower, as you probably see. So whats that feel like, well if you were cruising along at 55MPH, you now only have to push down the throttle to 500 A/D to get a down shift when before you would have had to push the throttle to the 570ish range.

Hopefully this helps. If it doesn't that's OK, I think I learned some things myself to explain it.

Hey Cody, I see you have an updated signature. That's awesome!:thumbs up yellow:


907DAVE Tue, April 27th, 2010 11:24 AM

Thanks Thomas.

OK now to my next question.

Why in the ICP map on few of my programs the MFD only goes to around 44, when others go to 70?

cleatus12r Tue, April 27th, 2010 11:33 AM

That is what your last tuner did. Why? I couldn't tell you for sure. What you could do is rescale those to stock with the normalizer FN013 and try it........

I don't see the reason for doing what they did.

907DAVE Tue, April 27th, 2010 12:04 PM

That too care of that.

How did changing that back affect the map as a whole?

cleatus12r Tue, April 27th, 2010 12:28 PM

I'm looking at them right now....

cleatus12r Wed, April 28th, 2010 10:11 AM

Ok Dave,

Here's what I am going to guess.
Your tuner decided that for some reason, any ICP commanded after 44 MFD was to continue to use the highest values....essentially causing the PCM to run the same ICP at 100 MFD as it does at 44 based on any RPM.

I could see scaling the MFD axis on the ICP map to something higher (like 80 or 100 MFD instead of the stock 70) for better resolution and control, but not lower. Bill has no idea why it was set up that way either.

Bill is actually looking at yours as I type this.

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