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-   -   new product for 7.3 (http://forum.gopowerhungry.com/forum/showthread.php?t=631)

Whiten Tue, March 3rd, 2009 11:06 AM

new product for 7.3
I seen it on main site, we need to know or atleast a hint of what it is :yikes2: :woot: :drool2:

Corey Cohron RIP Tue, March 3rd, 2009 11:19 AM

Until Bill can finish the software, this is me ---> :covermouth: And I'm REALLY bad about keeping secrets :twitch:, so I'm hoping he can find time to work on it SOON!

Power Hungry Tue, March 3rd, 2009 11:20 AM

We're not gonna tell ya! :rofl:We'll be letting everyone know next week.

Whiten Tue, March 3rd, 2009 11:27 AM

:cursin: its ok I can wait :2thumbs:

soutthpaw Fri, March 6th, 2009 03:59 PM

I posted this in the new user forum but it makes more sense here
Maybe we need to see who can guess what this new product is... Only clue I have is that Corey said they are having to get the Trademark done...
What do we want... I could go for a chip with more than 6 positions
Or guess the name of the new product... I'll go with Centaur as Corey seems to like the mythological animals. Centaur would be a combination of Horsepower and human intelligence

Cyclops was my other idea but I think someone already has some performance stuff out by that name

soutthpaw Fri, March 6th, 2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Groovy Chick (Post 4890)
Until Bill can finish the software, this is me ---> :covermouth: And I'm REALLY bad about keeping secrets :twitch:, so I'm hoping he can find time to work on it SOON!

another clue? Bill has to finish the software... A datalogger of some sort as an add-on to Minotaur???

Corey Cohron RIP Fri, March 6th, 2009 07:32 PM

You're awesome! Totally wrong, but awesome! :happy-dancing:

This will be the first product we release that does NOT follow our mythological creature names (which I'm grateful for, as I don't have the time to draw a new beastie logo), but I guarantee that it WILL make you smile. :disbelief: It's been killing me all week! :hehe:

Unfortunately, we just got home, and I haven't had time to register the trademark -- an unfortunate necessity due to some people in this industry playing dirty with us in the past. I'll get right on it first thing in the morning, and I'll be posting about it on our forum first!

Bill hasn't finished the software, but since we've gotten tons of calls already, we've really got to get on it. Due to the fact that we've got to go out of town on Sunday, we decided that it would be stupid to make an announcement about a new product and then not be around to answer questions. I'm afraid we won't be making the formal reveal until we get back in town. (If you totally can't wait, shoot me a PM. :twitch:)

soutthpaw Fri, March 6th, 2009 08:58 PM

Yep, you are right, you are really bad at keeping secrets :whistle1:

Corey Cohron RIP Fri, March 6th, 2009 09:32 PM

When Billy and I buy Christmas presents for each other, we always wind up -- like, three weeks before Christmas -- going, "Can I give you one of your presents NOW?" (And we always do! He's just as bad!) :hehe:

Corey Cohron RIP Fri, March 6th, 2009 09:33 PM

The name -- now THAT'S still a secret. :whisper:

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