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907DAVE Wed, January 6th, 2010 02:45 AM

Whats it take to be one?
What cool things can you do?

Not like I want to be one, just curious about your powers.:evillol:

cleatus12r Wed, January 6th, 2010 10:36 AM

Actually, the only "powers" we have is that we can move, delete, edit, or rearrange posts.

We also have our own separate moderator section that allows us the ability to party it up hard core without any other members being able to spoil our fun.

I am not sure if I can ban you or not or if that "power" is only reserved for JackandJanet, Corey, or Bill. I haven't had to try it yet but if you want to volunteer, I'll be glad to try. :evillol:

Other than that, 88Racing and I have sweet green user names while JackandJanet has a blue one. Corey and Bill are obviously red.

Jackpine Wed, January 6th, 2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by 907dave (Post 22242)
Whats it take to be one?
What cool things can you do?

Not like I want to be one, just curious about your powers.:evillol:

I've never been asked that question before, but, fair enough!

Mostly, it's just a bunch of work (for no pay). Our main reason for being is to "keep order" within the forum. Technical knowledge is not absolutely needed, but is nice. So, we spend quite a bit of time scanning through all the new posts every day.

We can delete or move posts and threads and can edit other people's posts if necessary.

Finally, if some member really doesn't "fit in" or is a "spammer" or whatever, we can ban that member from the forum. We've NEVER had to do that in this forum. We seem to attract a "high class membership".

How do you get to be a Mod? Usually, you're "invited" by the Administrators. I don't think anyone ever asks to be one, they would probably be rejected if they did. This is after you've been around long enough for the Admins to see how you deal with other people and if you seem dependable enough to function without being constantly supervised. They have to feel they can "trust" you, and that is something that only an Administrator can quantify. Being a Mod carries a huge amount of responsibility, and it's something we don't treat lightly.

Hope that answered your question.

- Jack

907DAVE Wed, January 6th, 2010 11:25 AM

LOL Damn....wish I could party with you guys....ahh thats some funny stuff....you just made my day!

So you cant like view what people are doing on the site or read posts before they are posted, or steal ...err...borrow......there money. That would be pretty sweet.

So can you guys hook it up with a cool color for my name......blue would be nice.:hehe:

Any please dont try your banning powers on me..........:cry-blow:

88Racing Wed, January 6th, 2010 11:32 AM

I also say "Good Questions!"
"What can we do?"
Cody summed it up the best.
"How do you get to be one?"
Jack pretty much said it the best.

I'll just add in that Jack was the original mod. Cody and I didn't get added as ones until like June.
As Jack stated we all were invited by PHP.
Future mod's are still PHP's final decision but the future choices will be discussed between PHP and us mod's.
Some helpful factors.
Being Courtious
Problem Solving.
Just to name a few examples.

Hope this helps?

907DAVE Wed, January 6th, 2010 10:30 PM

But seriously, can I get a cool color for my name.........I am a little jealous;)

Longshot270 Wed, January 6th, 2010 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by 907dave (Post 22352)
But seriously, can I get a cool color for my name.........I am a little jealous;)

Dont worry about it. Seriously, I already tried.

907DAVE Wed, January 6th, 2010 11:10 PM

Aww.......that sucks, shoot they could give me some crazy rainbow or hot pink or something, I wouldn't mind. Cmon guys.........

88Racing Wed, January 6th, 2010 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by 907dave (Post 22361)
Aww.......that sucks, shoot they could give me some crazy rainbow or hot pink or something, I wouldn't mind. Cmon guys.........

There it is!
One time deal only!

Corey Cohron RIP Wed, January 6th, 2010 11:49 PM

:really-lmao: Lars.

Dave, I would be all for making registered users purple, but Jack would have my head. :hehe: (Just teasing you, Buddy.)

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