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88Racing Mon, March 23rd, 2009 02:35 PM

Corey's "Lemming" quote
Okay Corey,

I am wanting to know do you hold something personal against those poor little animals? JK

What's the story behind the metaphorical quote in your signature? Must be for some good reason?

Yah, I know there are a lot of lemming type people out there but what the heck let's have fun with them before they plunge off that cliff!


Corey Cohron RIP Tue, March 24th, 2009 12:30 PM

This one is going to require a detailed explanation. There are a few different scenarios to which it applies as I view the world :earth: right now. :evillol: As soon as I have some time, I'll be happy to explain. Not fair to take away time from customers waiting for me to get orders processed and shipped. :shrug:

Corey Cohron RIP Wed, April 15th, 2009 04:43 PM

Okay, so I actually have a few minutes before I go make some tasty meatloaf for dinner. :cooking:

Lemmings... there are just so many, I can't stand it. My quote actually refers to one group in particular, but since adding it to my signature, I've found so many more!

The lemmings to which I originally referred are those people who choose to ignore factual information that is constantly provided to them about a certain tuner in the automotive performance industry who is known for damaging engines -- hundreds of them. :yikes2:

:ugly dude: "It's not the tuning that's causing the problems" even though 95% of the people have the same exact experience. YEAH, IT F---ING IS! I just want to go up and smack them upside the head! :snapoutofit:

Not only do these lemmings choose to put on blinders and ignore this information... they also attack anyone else who posts about it on other forums! THAT is what makes me so :cursin: and prompted my quote.

I've seen many posts on other forums from members who are looking for suggestions. Instead of blatantly naming the tuner with the poor reputation, they sometimes refer to wanting "safe tuning" or something similar. Boy, do the lemmings jump all over them! Quite honestly, the lemmings must be extra sensitive or something because THEY are the ones who infer that the poster must be talking about their favorite tuner!

Now, I have no problem at all with customers plugging their favorite vendors, but it's absolutely unfair that the lemmings make others feel uncomfortable about posting that they want safe tuning. Isn't that what every consumer wants? I have yet to have a customer contact me and ask that Bill write a calibration that will window their blocks -- though we have had to explain to customers that we WON'T give them calibrations that we feel are too powerful for their truck to handle.

Many, many people have provided proof that certain calibrations from this tuner are windowing blocks. Do you think that would sway the lemmings? Heck no! We get phone calls almost daily from people who have run this tuner's calibrations and have had their engines damaged by that particular tuner's calibrations and are looking for an alternative; we also get calls all the time from people who are currently running that tuner's calibrations and want something new because they're terrified of damaging their engines and are willing to eat the loss of selling their tuners on eBay. :eek:

Now, the right thing for this tuner to do would be to step up to the plate and admit that the calibrations caused the problem and let everyone know that the problem has been corrected. The proof has already been presented on a public forum; it's not merely speculation. Has he done this? Nope. He won't even address it on the forums.

Everyone on here knows that we recommend other companies to callers all the time if we can't help them. That is one I certainly WON'T be recommending because
1- At least one of his calibrations is unsafe.
2- Personal feelings aside, the way this calibration issue was handled only proves to me that this person has very little moral character.

As for other lemmings, I recently addressed a post on here about the rumor that 6.0L Evolutions are known for damaging transmissions. You can check it out here.

I really just wish people would start thinking for themselves. It kind of reminds me of the :batman: movie where the Riddler (Jim Carrey) put this thing on everyone's TVs and it just sucked their brains out. That's exactly what it's like. :sigh: Thanks for letting me ramble.:ugly dude:

soutthpaw Wed, April 15th, 2009 05:15 PM

Hi Corey, I see you are back all over the forums. That must mean u r getting caught up, at least on your end. This is my first post via my new blackberry so I can't do smilies. Well I guess if I remembered the text for them I could. As for the lemmings. They are everywhere. Just look at the political threads on the net. Talk about spreading misinformation.
Anyway. If you remember I had already ordered a chip from the other tuner. 2 days later I discovered PHP. Quickly decided that Minotaur was exactly what I wanted. When I called the other tuner. To ask if I could write my own tunes to go on the open slots on his chip he said no they are locked out and only they can program them. So that chip got returned unopened. They were good about the return and got prompt refund.
So that's how I ended up with the whole package from PHP. I am glad I discovered you guys just in time. Plus I read the other tuner's about us page and it doesn't even come close to Bill. He basically had no automotive or computer calibration experience prior to 2003. What he did learn he learnd from Bill and now acts as its some kind of top secret thing he invented. I have been impressed by Bill's willingness to share what he knows with us.
My $.02

Caforddude Wed, April 15th, 2009 08:34 PM

Guess I never heard about the hubbub.

I pretty much limit my forum going to here and ford truck fanatics. (OH and facebook...hello Mafia friend :) )

Sorry to hear there is some manure being spread around. I for one have been happy with PHP's service and products.

There were some accusations from the webrats (yeah that's what I call the folks that carry disease around the internet)when my motor blew that it was due to the fact that I had a programmer but that was never my assumption and was obviously wrong. Too many people making decisions and comments that don't want/have/care to have all the facts of a particular instance.

Webrats spread disease, in the form of bad info, around the internet.

soutthpaw Wed, April 15th, 2009 09:55 PM

The issue was with the diesel engines not gassers.. It wasn't even a hot tune from what I understand and being you cannot access the files and look there is no knowing what the issue was. I don't know enough about the specific problems to know if it was the tune or other factors though... probably a contributing factor at minimum .... guess u could search the FTE or Powerstroke forums and find plenty of posts on it. Lemmings could go both ways... everyone who blows their engine with that tuner's chip automatically blames the tuner.......

My guess though is probably a timing and fuel combination issue... if combustion starts too early (gas or diesel) you are pushing the piston in the opposite direction its supposed to be turning... this is what octane prevents in gas engines. Thus you are going to snap a connecting rod and blow it out the side of the block.... being that the problems were specifically block windowing (a big hole in the engine block) occurring on multiple vehicles, you can look for a common denominator(s)....

88Racing Wed, April 15th, 2009 10:22 PM

Hey Corey,

Thank you for explaining your lemming experience.

Hey DJ your thumbs sore yet from the bb?

Lars:cheesy smile:

Jackpine Wed, April 15th, 2009 10:37 PM

It was a good read, Corey!

I follow the lemmings that veer away from the cliff! (Some of them have to survive to produce more of the little buggers)! :cheesy smile:

The point about safety was one that concerned me a great deal before I got my Edge, that you guys converted to a Gryphon. I remember being thoroughly impressed by Bill's "reasoned" explanations in the f150Online forum of the tuning process and the results that could be expected. And then when I actually talked to the man, I was sold! :2thumbs:

- Jack

Corey Cohron RIP Thu, April 16th, 2009 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by soutthpaw (Post 7797)
The issue was with the diesel engines not gassers.. It wasn't even a hot tune from what I understand and being you cannot access the files and look there is no knowing what the issue was. I don't know enough about the specific problems to know if it was the tune or other factors though... probably a contributing factor at minimum .... guess u could search the FTE or Powerstroke forums and find plenty of posts on it. Lemmings could go both ways... everyone who blows their engine with that tuner's chip automatically blames the tuner.......

My guess though is probably a timing and fuel combination issue... if combustion starts too early (gas or diesel) you are pushing the piston in the opposite direction its supposed to be turning... this is what octane prevents in gas engines. Thus you are going to snap a connecting rod and blow it out the side of the block.... being that the problems were specifically block windowing (a big hole in the engine block) occurring on multiple vehicles, you can look for a common denominator(s)....

Yup, it was a timing issue and also an inherent problem with that particular tune. DJ, Bill HAS read the tune (he's been in this business so long, there's not much he CAN'T do :thumbs up yellow:) and tried to tell them about it and was asked to stay out of it! :disbelief: And for those who don't know, it was/is an 80hp calibration -- not simply someone pushing their truck to the limit with a 140hp tune. (I will PM you the thread link.)

I like Aaron's "webrats" term. It's so appropriate! Unfortunately, until people start thinking for themselves and realized that 2 + 2 does NOT equal 5, it will just continue.

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