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01crewcab Tue, April 20th, 2010 05:55 PM

Edge Evo Problems
Well I'm glad I haven't sent my Evo in yet. I just had my truck into a local Ford dealer. They messed with my PCM. Truck is now slower than a slug. Went to reload the Evo, and it doesn't recognize my truck. What now? I can't hardly stand to drive it:help:

shotgun Tue, April 20th, 2010 06:42 PM

Wow - that sucks. Need a little more information, please.

Did you program the truck back to stock before you took it to the dealer?

Is this an Edge or a Gryphon?

If it's a Gryphon, is your UserCP data up-to-date and complete?

Jackpine Tue, April 20th, 2010 06:53 PM

Joe - I see you have a 2001 F350, and, in answer to Shotgun's question, it appears you have NOT converted your Edge to a Gryphon yet.

Edge Tech Support SHOULD be able to help you. My guess is, a Fusion or Lightning download of some type will make it recognize the new firmware on the PCM. And, as Shotgun pointed out, I sure hope you DID program your truck back to stock before taking it in. Otherwise, I think it's going to cost $75 from either Edge or PHP to get your unit unlocked.

I suspect though, this is a fairly old Evolution, and the PCM update is probably newer than the firmware on it. So, a firmware update should have you back in business.

Welcome to our forum, by the way! We try to help, whatever the problem.

- Jack

01crewcab Tue, April 20th, 2010 08:19 PM

Thank you both for the replies. I did not return it to stock. It's a long story. I basically have a fuel relay shutoff, that's activated with a fob when you want to start the truck. Unfortunately the Tech was not informed of that and couldn't start the truck when he was done working on it. The dealership calls me and says I need a new PCM! I asked if the Tech had pushed the fob button, well no he didn't know! Yes it is an old Edge that was basically loaded with BD tunes, so the performance rating is 80hp vs 100hp on a normal EVO. I'm thinking I should send it in and get it totally reprogrammed

Jackpine Tue, April 20th, 2010 09:53 PM

You may not need to send it in. But, DO call Edge Tech Support on this. I'm sure Bill could help you too, but it seems more like an "Edge" problem to me, since you don't have a Gryphon.

They can certainly unlock it, and after that, I suspect a no-cost firmware update should put you back in business.

Edge has some GOOD people in their tech support team. I've seen a number of very positive responses on them in the f150online forum (where I'm also a Moderator). Please give it a try there, and if they can't help you, we'll try to get you hooked up with Bill.

- Jack

Power Hungry Tue, April 20th, 2010 11:28 PM

If it's an old Evo (as in "Gameboy" style) then any update will unfortunately require that you send it in. If it's a dash mount, then you're in good shape and the unit can be updated/corrected remotely. Either we or Edge can help you on this so just let us know how you'd like to handle it.

Take care.

01crewcab Wed, April 21st, 2010 01:01 PM

I believe I'll send to you. Please let me know what info you need before I send it off. Thank you,

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