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Corey Cohron RIP Sun, December 14th, 2008 09:09 PM

Does anyone else out there watch Dexter, and did you see it tonight?!? That's the one show where Bill and I walk away from the office for an hour -- no matter what.

It was so freakin' GOOD tonight! Now we have to wait until 2009. :weeping: Damn.

Corey Cohron RIP Tue, December 16th, 2008 08:30 PM

Out of 54 other members, Bill and I are the ONLY ones who watch Dexter :tv:? Aw, guys, you don't know what you're missing!

And I had such high hopes for this forum...


johnnyd Tue, December 16th, 2008 09:25 PM

Sorry, never seen it :zzz:

Northern Supercrew Tue, December 16th, 2008 09:44 PM

^^^^^^X2. heard of it....but never seen.

Power Hungry Tue, December 16th, 2008 09:46 PM

All I can say is that Dexter is our "Sopranos". It is very well written and the actors are superb, although the subject matter is rather dark.

I think the reason we find it intriguing is that on some level it is refreshing to see some degree of real justice, even if it is at the hands of a "serial killer". Of course, it's not the type of action I could ever condone but part of me believes that if we had a little more of the "Let the punishment fit the crime" type of justice, then there might be less crime.

I guess the question is whether locking a person in a cage is any less barbaric than cutting off a hand for stealing. I know if I lost my hand, I'd REALLY THINK TWICE before I did it again. :yesnod: Prison? Three hots and a cot for a year. Where's the punishment? :shrug: Maybe it's the gang rape. :yikes2:

Anyway, just thinking out loud here.

Jeremy Tue, January 27th, 2009 06:31 PM

Dexter is Awesome!!!! The Wife and I are addicted to it, I bought both season 1 and 2 DVD's and every person @ work that I loan the DVD's to is an instant fan.

I don't have Showtime so I'll have to wait for the DVD's...I did see the first episode of Season 3....and all I can say is its gonna be a long summer/fall until I can watch the rest on DVD. :cry:

Corey Cohron RIP Wed, January 28th, 2009 03:19 PM

:omg: Season Two was NOTHING compared to Season Three! You're gonna :love: it! You'll have to tell us when you've seen it so we can just sit around and talk about it :hangingout:

ChuckD Wed, January 28th, 2009 04:30 PM

I dont even have cable :sigh:

Corey Cohron RIP Wed, January 28th, 2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 2324)
Dexter is Awesome!!!! The Wife and I are addicted to it, I bought both season 1 and 2 DVD's and every person @ work that I loan the DVD's to is an instant fan.

I don't have Showtime so I'll have to wait for the DVD's...I did see the first episode of Season 3....and all I can say is its gonna be a long summer/fall until I can watch the rest on DVD. :cry:

Jay over at Edge had the Season One DVDs in 2007 or early 2008, and when Bill was there doing some testing, he got Bill hooked. Bill came home, bought the Season One DVD set, and then I was hooked. We watched all of Season Two and also bought the DVD set, and we watched Season Three religiously (and DVR'd it, too!). Can't wait to buy the Season Three DVD set! Did you know that Michael Hall (Dexter) and his on-screen sister are married? We just found that out recently... must be weird watching your husband kissing his "girlfriend" at work. :hehe:

bbbxcursion Wed, January 28th, 2009 11:52 PM

I got hooked on 'Nip Tuck' over the holidays. Once I arrived back in Phoenix, I bought all the seasons on DVD. I already watched them. AWSOME show! Never saw 'Dexter' though. If I got hooked, I'd lock myself in the house again just watching all the episodes.

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