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Corey Cohron RIP Sat, December 13th, 2008 09:51 PM

As someone who believes so strongly in the power of prayer, I wanted to post this so that everyone who reads this can say a word directly to The Big Guy or send out positive energy into the universe or whatever it is that you do in your household...

Bill and Wil are at BDP for a dyno event. I kept trying to call earlier with no results. After the tenth try or so, Bill finally picked up his phone. Imagine my surprise when, through chattering teeth, he told me that he and others had just fished a guy out of a creek.

Here is what I was told:

Bill said that they heard the vehicle before the accident (nitrous, I think) and some guys looked up to check it out. The driver got to a point where he was out of sight, and they heard the accident. Bill said that driver lost control, and the GTO hit a tree and was split in half. The driver wasn't wearing his seatbelt and was thrown. Last I heard, the guy had a broken leg, a "hole in his face," and possible back injuries. Bill said he was able to tell them his name, address, etc. The passenger was wearing his belt and stayed with the front half of the car. From what I understand, he's only got minor injuries.

Must've been pretty bad -- Bill had to go buy some new clothes (he gave the guy his own socks!) and stopped by the hotel to wash the blood off himself.

Please keep the driver and passenger in your prayers and thank God that he put the right people at the event to help the injured. (I believe one of the gentlemen was an EMT.)

I snatched these pictures and eyewitness account from another forum:




He dynoed and made 307hp. He got ****y I guess took someone for a ride and was doing burnouts on a small side road. He was hittin the rev limiter the whole way down the road just pushin it for all it had. I think he had spray too. Anyway, he lost control and hit one tree. Not in pic. And hit that other small one where the other part of the car was. First pic. It ripped the car in half and sent both of them sailing into the creek below. Big boom. Everyone ran to see what happened. By the time I got there, a few people were already trying to keep his head above the water. He kept on saying that he didnt know what happened and he coulndt figure out why he was in the creek.

Jackpine Sat, December 13th, 2008 10:30 PM

I'm just thankful that Bill and Wil are OK.

I've sort of "been there, done that", only in my case, the ones in the wreckage didn't make it. One was an aircraft crash - on takeoff. The other was a car crash.

It's not a memory you get rid of easily - maybe never. Hopefully, if the guy pulls through, Bill can look back on it in a positive light. Sounds like your guy was one of the "lifesavers", eh?

Peace to you both,

- Jack

CHARGED97 Sat, December 13th, 2008 11:16 PM

I work for the Sheriff's Office here in Salt Lake and prey everytime I go on those nasty accidents that it will turn out as good as possible .......but sometimes it doesnt !!!!....Thats awsome Bill and people jumped in there to help and Im glad people do jump in and help....I went on an accident in my area where a Corvette hit a flat bed semi trailer .....the car had nitrous and was doing well over a 100 mph when the vehicle struck the trailer .....it was one of the most horrific crashes I have been on yet .....I wish people would just be more responsible when they put the mod stuff on the vehicles ....Its fun to do but people just need to exercise more safety .....hopefully it turns out as good possible......

johnnyd Sun, December 14th, 2008 12:01 AM

Yes, thank the man upstairs for the way these unfortunate events unfolded. If no one had been there I'm sure this story would have been a lot worse :angel:

A couple of summers ago a car swerved from the inside lane to the right berm, hit a culvert, flipped in the air and landed on the roof. Right in front of me (maybe 5/6 car lengths) on the highway. Traffic was going about 65-70. I pulled over along with two other folks. It was a older lady and she was conscious but starting to panic since she was strapped in (thank goodness) and upside down. One of the folks was a nurse(divine intervention?). She was reluctant to pull her out of the car but because of the women's mental state made the decision to pull her out. She had a lot of blood on her. The nurse, who had begun to administer first aid, asked for some rags to help stop the bleeding. I instantly ripped off my shirt and gave it to her. Within 3 to 4 minutes the authorities were on the scene. I thought it would be best just to leave and get out of the way so I did. After a day or two I realized that the shirt that I had given up was my new MIS (Michigan International Speedway) souvenir shirt from the Fathers Day Nascar Race.

I didn't care about the shirt but this story and Bill giving up his socks reminded me of this. Not a fun situation to be in at all but we, as human beings, react instinctively to situations when called upon (if you know what I mean).

Good night and God Bless :howdy:

Corey Cohron RIP Sun, December 14th, 2008 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Groovy Chick (Post 265)
As someone who believes so strongly in the power of prayer, I wanted to post this so that everyone who reads this can say a word directly to The Big Guy or send out positive energy into the universe or whatever it is that you do in your household...

Bill and Wil are at BDP for a dyno event. I kept trying to call earlier with no results. After the tenth try or so, Bill finally picked up his phone. Imagine my surprise when, through chattering teeth, he told me that he and others had just fished a guy out of a creek.

Here is what I was told:

Bill said that they heard the vehicle before the accident (nitrous, I think) and some guys looked up to check it out. The driver got to a point where he was out of sight, and they heard the accident. Bill said that driver lost control, and the GTO hit a tree and was split in half. The driver wasn't wearing his seatbelt and was thrown. Last I heard, the guy had a broken leg, a "hole in his face," and possible back injuries. Bill said he was able to tell them his name, address, etc. The passenger was wearing his belt and stayed with the front half of the car. From what I understand, he's only got minor injuries.

Must've been pretty bad -- Bill had to go buy some new clothes (he gave the guy his own socks!) and stopped by the hotel to wash the blood off himself.

Please keep the driver and passenger in your prayers and thank God that he put the right people at the event to help the injured. (I believe one of the gentlemen was an EMT.)

He dynoed and made 307hp. He got ****y I guess took someone for a ride and was doing burnouts on a small side road. He was hittin the rev limiter the whole way down the road just pushin it for all it had. I think he had spray too. Anyway, he lost control and hit one tree. Not in pic. And hit that other small one where the other part of the car was. First pic. It ripped the car in half and sent both of them sailing into the creek below. Big boom. Everyone ran to see what happened. By the time I got there, a few people were already trying to keep his head above the water. He kept on saying that he didnt know what happened and he coulndt figure out why he was in the creek.

Update 12-14-2008 from Ryan Bean of Bean's Diesel Performance:

On the GTO, Jason (driver) looks like he will be ok. He has a busted leg, broke pelvic bone, busted ribs and a punctured lung. He has a long recovery ahead but looks to be ok. He is one lucky sob, the car was absolutly trashed how he was still in one peice is crazy. Goes to show we all need to be careful when getting crazy on the street. We built a burnout pad at out shop so we could keep people safer and off the street just for this reason.

johnnyd Sun, December 14th, 2008 07:16 PM

Glad to hear :2thumbs:

Corey Cohron RIP Sun, December 14th, 2008 07:45 PM

Jackpine Tue, December 16th, 2008 08:56 AM

Quite honestly, I don't see how anyone survived! It's a bit of a reminder that, as much as we'd like them to be, our vehicles are NOT "toys". And, while driving can be fun, it is NOT "play".

Boy, I'm really sounding like an "old fart", aren't I? :geezer:

- Jack

Power Hungry Tue, December 16th, 2008 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by JackandJanet (Post 337)
Boy, I'm really sounding like an "old fart", aren't I? :geezer:

- Jack

Not at all... Just like someone who has the wisdom of years under his belt. You don't have to be old to be wise, just experienced. I guarantee you that after this experience, this guy is going to be wiser about what he does with his vehicles in the future. :yesnod: He's lucky he is going to be older, too!

Corey Cohron RIP Tue, December 16th, 2008 08:52 PM

This was a great life lesson for Wil, who at 8, told Santa that he wanted his driver's license for Christmas! :santa2: No joke!

A funny thing... after I talked to Billy on the phone right after he'd helped pull the driver out of the creek, I asked him if Wil was okay. Here I was in Mommy mode thinking that my son was going to be damaged forever from the experience. Bill's reply was, "He's fine. In fact, he told me, 'Dad, maybe we shouldn't tell Mommy about this'." :omg: They grow up so fast, huh? :sigh:

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