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Old Wed, March 4th, 2009, 08:50 PM
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Jackpine Jackpine is offline
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The enduring great thing in this Country, Lynn, is that we are free to voice our thoughts. I respect your opinion and am willing to accept that there are no pat answers. You and I and your Wife and countless others have sworn to protect and defend this freedom. It is NOT "unpatriotic" to disagree, in fact, I would argue that it is unpatriotic to blindly agree.

I am a registered Republican, who, in 2000, would have happily voted for John McCain. But, I was not given that choice, so I voted for Al Gore. In 2004, I voted for John Kerry, and, last year I voted for President Obama.

I also voted for Ronald Reagan, who used to be a Democrat, but stated that his Party had deserted him. I feel much the same about the GOP.

Yes, we are on the same team, and, we can disagree.

The next four years will be interesting, to say the least, and I look forward to seeing what happens. I remain hopeful.

Peace, Brother!

- Jack