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soutthpaw Thu, March 19th, 2009 05:36 PM

Communication problems ????
Bill & Corey,
What's up with the sudden loss of communication?
Your phone just rings busy.. Don't you have call waiting?:thumbsdwn:
No response to emails sent over the last few days.:(
No response to PM's sent to your forum profile names.:shrug:

Let Me and probably others know how to get in contact with you guys regarding order status and other questions.:confused:


Thomas7.3psd Thu, March 19th, 2009 06:01 PM

I read somewhere they have a phone issue. Plus i think they are swamped right now catching up on orders from vacation. give em a little time.i think they are going to take call tomarrow aswell to make up for it.

88Racing Thu, March 19th, 2009 06:22 PM

They are swamped right now Bill said in one of his posts yesterday. He also said their fax is still working if you want to give that a shot?

One way or another they'll contact you.


soutthpaw Thu, March 19th, 2009 06:49 PM

Well I don't own a fax machine...

soutthpaw Thu, March 19th, 2009 07:10 PM

Ok thanks for the update, I think most of us are pretty understanding as long as you keep us in the loop as to what is happening.. hence why I posted the message here now everyone has the same answer.... :cool_beans: have you tried Skype.. (you can also put a direct connect to your skype number in ebay listings) its cheaper than vonage and u can do video calls too. You can purchase a plan to call any phone pretty cheap..
Never used Vonage so can't say anything specific about their service other than they are spending a whole bunch of money on TV advertizing
What about getting an 800 number? you can piggy back those onto any phone number, u can get flat rate toll free numbers for about $15 a month I believe. you can then also see where people are calling from...

EDIT: Yay That Groovy Chick just PM'ed me to let me know my stuff is supposed to ship tmw...

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