I like your Deuce and a half, I keep getting tempted to buy one but other things seem to pop up for me to spend my money on

Got the spring perches to do the spring over on my trailer today also got a great deal on a Warn 8274 winch for $200 today so will probably mount that on the trailer too. Need to find a old working snow plow pump. I want to add a power up and down to the trailer tilt assembly. Have a remote control setup to run both the winch and pump setup if i can find one
DJ Phoenix (my modded) Hi-1200/240Tow/75FS/80DD/100/140SS +Minotaur
ASE Master Auto Technician

2001 Ford Excursion 7.3 4x4
Projects. 1970's Hustler and Max II Amphibious ATV's