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Old Wed, May 19th, 2010, 02:47 PM
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Jackpine Jackpine is offline
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Don't Set the Tune to "Stock" for an Emissions Inspection!

And to elaborate on this. I never saw the P1000 code using my old Gryphon, but I DO see it now if I put the tune back to stock using the CTS.

I posted this in the CS/CTS forum, but I'll repeat a bit here. I drove my truck for about 50 miles with the tune at stock and the P1000 code did not clear. This was around town and it involved several start/stop cycles and, the truck reached operating temperature during most of these cycles. I'm beginning to think unless you actually DO the "drive cycle reset" procedure (which seems like learning to play the piano), it might take a long time to reset using "ordinary" driving. I set the tune back to Level 2 finally, and the P1000 code was instantly gone. Shortly after that, I took the truck to be emissions tested and simply disconnected the OBD cable at the plug and tucked it up out of sight. I didn't even bother to remove the CTS from the dash. The truck passed with flying colors.

So, bottom line: Leave the truck "tuned" if you are getting an emissions inspection!

- Jack
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