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Old Sun, July 31st, 2011, 08:59 AM
DWR DWR is offline
Whopper Junior
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Avella, PA
Posts: 5
DWR is on a distinguished road

Yeah, I wll have a better idea in about a month when it hits the highway for the first time with Gryphon. When I got the trailer inspected last week I only had it on country roads where the speed limit ranges from 45-55 mph.
I really like the way it pulls and shifts from a dead start - big difference over stock. I've been driving the truck since new - and I've always listened closely to every little noise - especially when towing - so I will just re-adjust my ears when pulling hills. I imagine it is much better on the tranny to shift to 2nd and pull the hill then to try 3rd gear unlocked and have to shift to 2nd anyway. Thanks Jack
2005 F-150 XLT 4x4 Ext Cab
K&N Intake, Magnaflow Muffler SI-SO
Firestone Ride-Rite
2000 28' Keystone Cougar 5'th wheel
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