Was doing a little digging this morning and came across this gem.
13 years has tremendously changed this industry. I, like you, have always enjoyed the idea of making the tuning more open source and more accessible. Granted, I still have to run a business, but the more people that are out there who are involved and refining the tuning, the better it is for the industry as a whole.
It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since you've worked with us. We certainly appreciated your dedication and I personally enjoyed your company. Especially when losing an injector on 285.
At the risk of getting all "Golden Girls", I just want to say thank you for being a friend.
Bill Cohron - The Mad Doctor
Power Hungry Performance - The
ORIGINAL in Ford performance tuning... Since 1997!
(678) 890-1110
www.gopowerhungry.com - Home of the
Hydra Chip,
Minotaur Tuning Software, and the new
Orion Reflash System for Navistar!
Bring back

Windows™ XP and 7.

Windows™ Vista and

Windows™ 8 is a pain in my a$$!

Windows™ 10 is only slightly less annoying!

Windows™ 11 is garbage!
Much to my surprise, I'm actually quite enjoying Linux!