Thread: Groovy Chick
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Old Thu, May 28th, 2009, 09:37 PM
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Jackpine Jackpine is offline
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Ah, Corey, good to hear from you and when I see that Husband of your's I'm going to punch him out for not letting us know what was happening. I was feeling like an "expectant father", and no one was giving me any news. And, of course, I was afraid to "ask", for fear I'd jinx something!

Didn't Bill realize we've all been on "pins and needles" waiting to hear?

This is what life is like when you're a celebrity - we want to know everything!

Oh well, at least YOU let us start breathing again.

Take things easy Sweetie! We've missed you and we want you back in perfect "tuned up" shape! Don't unplug until the update is complete.

- Jack

2024 F150 Platinum SCrew 3.5L PowerBoost FX4, Peragon Tonneau Cover, LineX Bed, 35% Window Tint on All Sides and Rear, Full Nose Paint Protection Film, Husky Mud Guards, Lasfit Floor Liners, VIOFO Dash Cam